所谓正刊(regular issue),就是在新闻出版局备案的杂志,这些杂志都有国际刊号和国内刊号,还有邮发代号,国内刊号是CN。 所谓特刊(special issue),即特殊的刊物。每逢纪念日或某种需要时出的刊物,例如很多杂志在每年10月国庆的时候都会出一期内容不同的刊物,这期对杂志而言就是特刊。另外,特刊占有杂志的期和卷,它是...
special issue 是特别的问题,而regular issue 是平常的常规问题
有说法是有的单位不认special issue做业绩。这个不认是怎么回事?cns的子刊也有special issue,发了也不...
学术期刊中的 regular paper 和 special issue(SI),在基本难度上相似,但涉及的难度范围存在差异。SI 有一个明确的主题,而常规期刊的文章主题更为广泛。例如,如果期刊的主题是关于狩猎的研究,那么 SI 的主题可能会更加聚焦于如何捕获兔子。若将一篇描述捕获大熊的研究论文投递至 SI,很可能遭到拒稿...
急问:有投过Mathematical Problems in Engineering的大侠吗,the regular issue section and the special issue section有什么区别?都会被SCI 检索吗?如果投special issue 录用后还能转regular吗?等论文毕业,准备付版面费啦,不想打水漂,求指教 返回小木虫查看更多分享...
理论上应该是一样的,只不过si有主题而已,但是有一些场外因素,审稿人不好找啦,guest editor制度啦,...
China strongly calls on relevant sides to exercise restraint and the international community, especially countries with influence on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, to earnestly play a responsible role, implement the Security Council’s Resolution 2712 and the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly...
Guo Jiakun: China’s position on the Korean Peninsula issue is consistent and clear. On relevant launch activities, I have no new comments to make.路透社记者:印度方面称,已向中方表达对中国修建雅鲁藏布江大型水电工程的关切。美国总统国家安全事务助理沙利文今天在印度听取了印方关切。中方是否已采取行动或...
Mao Ning: China’s position on the issue of the South China Sea is consistent and clear. The reason behind the recent situation at sea is that the Philippines has frequently made provocative moves in the South China Sea, infri...