(1988)Comparison of pre- prandial administration of regular insulin with adminis- tration of NPH insulin at bed time and of conventional insulin therapy in combination therapy with in- sulin/sulfonyhuea in type-11diabetes. In: W. Bachmann, N. Lots and H. Mehnert (Eds.), InsuliniStdfony...
Related to regular insulin:NPH insulin,isophane insulin in·su·lin (ĭn′sə-lĭn) n. 1.A polypeptide hormone that is secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and functions in the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, especially the conversion of ...
Changes in insulin strength, manufacturer, type, or method of administration may affect glycemic control andpredisposeto hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia; changes should be made cautiously and under close medical supervision, and the frequency of blood glucose monitoring should be increased; for patients with...
Isophane suspension (NPH insulin): 100 units/ml Lispro: 100 units/ml in 10-ml vials and 1.5-ml cartridges Regular insulin injection: 100 units/ml Regular U-500 (concentrated), insulin human injection: 500 units/ml Zinc suspension, extended (ultralente): 100 units/ml Zinc suspension (lente...
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of subcutaneous injection of long-acting human insulin insulin analog Glargin, NPH insulin, and ultralente human insulin and continuous subcutaneous insulin of insulin Lispro To compare the pharmacokinetics/dynamics of the long-acting insulin analog glargine with NPH, ...
This study was designed to investigate whether combined and separate administration of human zinc or human NPH insulin with soluble human insulin have different pharmacokinetic characteristics, as evaluated by glucose clamp studies and determination of free insulin levels. Eight type 1 diabetic patients ...
Conclusions: Administration of lispro insulin was perceived by patients as convenient to use and was also associated with less hypoglycaemia when compared with the use of regular insulin. There was, however, no improvement in HbA 1c . This finding may be informative when advising patients during ...