Parse a glob pattern to create the source string for a regular expression.Paramspattern {String} options {Object} returns {Object}: Returns an object with useful properties and output to be used as a regex source string.Exampleconst picomatch = require('picomatch'); const result = picomatch....
A number of bioinformatics tools use regular expression (RE) matching to locate protein or DNA sequence motifs that have been discovered by researchers in the laboratory. For example, patterns representing nuclear localisation signals (NLSs) are used to predict nuclear localisation. NLSs are not ...
Below is a trivial example for this: set$skip'';location/t{content_by_lua'ngx.var.skip = 1ngx.say("abcabd")';replace_filter_skip$skip;replace_filterabcabd X; } Back to TOC Installation You need to install the sregex library first: ...
In this post, we’re going to add a final feature to the login page: a password reset link, which sends a one-time-use-only link to the user’s email account. When clicked on, they are presented with a set-your-new-password form. [TOC: one, two, three, four, five, six, ...
Continuing with my regular expression, \p{ now throws an exception with the internal PARSER_BUG message. The second commit fixes this by reporting a more friendly error message.By the way, the example regular expression is currently broken in MRI Ruby. The parser bug is there too, but ...
for example, ".*[\\\](.+)[\\\].*" would use the last folder name as the game name. game_name_regex_group The regular expression group to use from the game_name_regex match. gameShouldBeInstalled This allows programs to be listed but not marked as installed when set to false. has...