QRegularExpressionre("^(\\d\\d)/(\\d\\d)/(\\d\\d\\d\\d)$");QRegularExpressionMatchmatch=re.match("08/12/1985");if(match.hasMatch()) {QStringday=match.captured(1);// day == "08"QStringmonth=match.captured(2);// month == "12"QStringyear=match.captured(3);// year =...
bool exactMatch(const QString &str) const:判断给定字符串是否与当前模式完全匹配。 int indexIn(const QString &str, int offset = 0, CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero) const:返回匹配的起始索引位置,如果未找到匹配则返回-1。 bool isEmpty() const:判断是否为空模式。 bool isMinimal() const:判断...
Regular expressions vary in complexity, but once you understand the basics of how they are constructed, you can decipher or create any regular expression. String Literals The most basic form of pattern matching is the match of a string literal. For example, if the regular expression is EMP ...
Match NO(匹配数字):在匹配时往往出现多个值匹配的情况;如果匹配值为0则代表随机匹配取值,1为第一个值,-1表示所有值。 Default value(默认值):没有匹配到可以指定一个默认值
QStringyear=match.captured(3); qDebug()<<"matched: "<<matched<<endl <<"day: "<<day<<endl <<"month: "<<month<<endl <<"year: "<<year; } QStringpattern("^(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May) \\d\\d?, \\d\\d\\d\\d$"); QRegularExpressionre1(pattern); ...
Exact String Matching If you need exact matches you will need another type of modifier. Let’s see an example so you can see what I’m talking about: # We want to find if this string is exactly four letters long, this will # still match because it has more than four, but it's no...
Does the regular expression match a substring of the string? RE2::PartialMatch(s, "re") Does the regular expression match a substring of the string? If so, where? RE2::PartialMatch(s, "(re)", &match) Does the regular expression match a substring of the string? If so, where? Where...
Specifying Match Repetition To specify the number of times that a match is repeated, use the brace characters ({and}). These characters let you specify an exact number, a range, or an upper or lower bounds to the amount of times an expression can match. ...
regular expression classRegexcan be used to perform search and replace. This is done with theReplacemethod. The version used takes two strings as input: the string to be modified, and the string to be inserted in place of the sections (if any) that match the pattern given to theRegex...
Use a JavaScript regular expression to define a search pattern, and then apply the pattern against the string to be searched, using the RegExp test method. In the following, we want to match with any string that has the two words, Cook and Book, in that order: var cookbookString = new...