If I use the bypass surefire and run TestNG directly using same regular expression in a testng.xml suite file it works just fine:{noformat}<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd" ><suite name="foosuite"><parameter name="environment" v...
In this post, we will talk about the various symbols and what do they mean in the making of a regular expression. So, let’s see them one by one – SubexpressionMatches \^Start of a string/line $End of a string/line \bWord boundary ...
Whole combination is means, must have 1 or more strings (but not white space), follow by dot “.” and string end in “jpg” or “png” or “gif” or “bmp” , and the file extensive is case-insensitive. This regular expression pattern is widely use in for different file extensive ...