\~No match if the following character or characters occur. For example, b\~a+d matches bbd, bcd, bdd, and so on, but not bad. You can use this expression to prefix a group of characters you want to exclude, which is useful for excluding matches of particular words. For example, foo...
Re: Regular Expression - Unprintable Character Jim Heavey wrote:[color=blue] > Hello, I have an file that I am reading and it has some goffy characters in > it and I want to use a regular expression to clean up those characters. I am > not sure how to construct a regular expression...
the pattern “[aeiou]” matches any vowel character. Character classes provide flexibility in pattern matching by allowing you to specify a range of characters or exclude specific characters
| exclude regular-expression: displays all the lines that do not match the regular expression. If the character strings to be output do not contain the specified case-sensitive character string, they are displayed on the screen; otherwise, they are filtered. | include regular-expression: displays...
Square Bracket Character Classes These are the more versatile, but also the more verbose option. It allows you to specify a range of characters to include or exclude. For example, "[A-Za-z]" matches any single upper or lowercase letter character in the Latin character set. And, "[aeiouy...
Example 5: That’s all fine, but we want to exclude Roman numerals from the list. That can be done with the&&operator like this (Numerals that are letters have the character category Nl): mysql> select * from demo where v regexp '[\\p{Hani}\\p{Kana}\\p{Hira}\\p{Latn}&&\\P...
Or match regular expression number 2 below (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails) «[A-Z]{1}[- \']{1}[A-Z]{0,1}[a-z]{1,30}[- ]{0,1}» Match a single character in the range between “A” and “Z” «[A-Z]{1}» Exactly 1 times «{1}...
Regular expression: http:\/\/contoso\.com\/products\/((fancyjewelry)|(fancycar))\/checkout\.html \ is the escape character to be used with / and . | is used for expressing OR conditions Use parentheses for grouping Suppose that the conversion URLs have different subdomains. Destination...
Email Addresses This regular expression will match and redact full email addresses. \b[a-z0-9._%\+\-—|]+@[a-z0-9.\-—|]+\.[a-z|]{2,6}\b Redact specific email domains \b[a-z0-9._%\+\-—|]+@(gmail|Relativity)\.[a-z|]{2,6}\b Exclude specific email domains \b[a-...
Most notably, this can be used to match any alphabetical character: [a-zA-Z]will match anysingleletter (lowercase or uppercase). You can use numbers too: file[1-3]will matchfile1,file2, andfile3. Then, there is a way toexcludecharacters from a charset with the^hat symbol, and inclu...