3 Regular Expression for matching a phone number 1 Regular Expression for Phone Number 0 Regex does not accept a 10-digit phone number 4 Phone number regular expression 0 Regex Matching Phone Number 3 validating 10 digit phone number 0 regular expression for 10 digit mobile number ...
PhoneNumberUtil phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); String decodedNumber = null; PhoneNumber number; try { number = phoneNumberUtil.parse(encodedHeader, null); decodedNumber = phoneNumberUtil.format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.E164); } catch (NumberParseException e) { e.printStackTrace()...
";NSPredicate*test=[NSPredicatepredicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@",phoneRegex];BOOL matches=[test evaluateWithObject:phoneNumber]; If you’re on iPhone, then iOS 4 introducedNSRegularExpression, which would also work. TheNSPredicateapproach works on both Mac and iPhone (any version). http:/...
字符验证(all sorts of letter or digit or underline) RegExp:^[\u0391-\uFFE5\w]+$ Jquery:/^[\u0391-\uFFE5\w]+$/.test(value); 手机号码验证(mobile phone number) RegExp:^1([38][0-9]|4[579]|5[0-3,5-9]|6[6]|7[0135678]|9[89])\d{8}$ Jquery: (length==11&& /^1([38...
Character sets: Sets of allowable values for the character in the specified position of the matching expression. Several character sets are predefined: s(matches any whitespace character) S(matches any non-whitespace character) d(matches any digit character:'0'to'9') ...
Argentina National Identity (DNI) Number This regular expression matches the following examples: 34.960.099 63.889.141 40.571.278 45.855.200 80.933.831 \d{2}\.\d{3}\.\d{3} Australia Tax File Number The Australian tax file number is typically 8-9 digit numbers preceded by TFN....
Figure 1-2. Ten-digit phone number highlighted in Regexpal What you have done in this regular expression is use something called astring literaltomatch a string in the target text. A string literal is a literal representation of a string. ...
\d{11} matches an 11-digit number such as a phone number. [a-z]{3,} will match any word with three or more letters such as “cat”, “room” or “table. Or, for example, the expression c+at will match “cat”, “ccat” and “ccccccat” while the expression c*at will match...
C# length of digit after decimal point c# regular expression to only allow 1 or 2 digits only c# show hide div from code behind OnClick of C# syntax to Generate Sequence number with Prefix C# textarea object C# TextBox Value Set With Variable C# to VB.net CSRF Protection c# write ...
We can use the regular expression below to match a 10-digit phone number with dashes. REGEX: [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4} INPUT: 470-127-7501 MATCH: true REGEX: [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4} INPUT: 75663-2372 MATCH: false ...