This article shows you how to create a Win32 and MFC DLL to dynamically link a Library to your application. Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library can be used to create simplified DLLs. The MFC supports two types of DLLs, regular and extension: Regular DLL using shared MFC DLL Regular DL...
a) 运行 AppWizard ,选择 MFC AppWizard(dll)->Regular DLL Using Shared MFC DLL ,工程名为 ex21c 。 b) 在 ex21c.cpp 文件中加入导入的函数代码: + expand sourceview plaincopy to clipboardprint? // The one and only CEx21cApp object CEx21cApp theApp; extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) double...
可以看到,从NON-MFC DLL到MFC Extension DLL,其可使用的功能越来越多。NON-MFC DLL可以导出C函数,全局变量,普通的C++类,但不能涉及MFC;Regular DLL具备NON-MFC DLL的所有能力,并且其内部可以使用MFC,但不能将涉及MFC的部分导出;MFC Extension DLL具备Regular DLL的所有能力,并且可以导出使用MFC的API。 1、如何在...
2 MFC DLL——扩展的和正规的 MFC的AppWizard可以让我们创建MFC库支持的两种DLL:扩展的DLL和正规的DLL。这两种类型的区别是什么呢? 说明:当然,Developer Studio也让我们创建纯的、与MFC库无关的Win32 DLL,就像它让我们创建与MFC库无关的Windows程序一样。 ²扩展DLL支持C++接口,换句话说,该DLL可以导出整个类,...
How do I convert my USRDLL to a regular DLL that uses the MFC shared library? How do I export data from a DLL? How do I share data in my DLL with an application or with other DLLs? Can a multithreaded application access an MFC DLL in different threads?
Now, it is possible for a regular DLL to use MFC from the shared MFCx0 DLL. Because of the potential to reduce the size of the build, you might want to build the DLLScreenCap sample using the shared MFC DLL. Supporting the shared library in DLLScreenCap.dll will reduce the size of ...
Unlike the statically linked regular DLL, this type of DLL is dynamically linked to the MFC DLL (also known as the shared MFC DLL). The MFC import library linked to this type of DLL is the same one used for extension DLLs or applications using the MFC DLL: MFCxx(D).lib.A regular DL...
* Unlike the statically linked regular DLL, this type of DLL is dynamically linked to the MFC DLL (also known as the shared MFC DLL). * The MFC import library linked to this type of DLL is the same one used for extension DLLs or applications using the MFC DLL: MFCxx(D).lib. ...
Calling function in injected process dll Calling functions in a managed C# DLL from a unmanaged C++ MFC appication running on WEC7 Calling JS Function from C# (Not ASP) Calling multiple methods using Delegate BeginInvoke - Error The delegate must have only one target Calling static method of a...
MFC 规则DLL 添加自定义的 DLLMAIN() 函数!(Vc6.0 与 Vc8.0 同样适用) 这也是我自己一直困扰了好久的问题,本来编程水平就不高,总想借助MFC的类库编写程序,方便不少啊!但是MFC规则DLL中却不提供DLLMAIN()函数,被MFC给封装了,Win32 DLL倒是有DLLMAIN()函数了,可是却用不了MFC,到网上找资料也很少,后来看到了一...