On Potato Pancakes, Regrowing Green Onions
Simply chop the base from the celery stalk, leaving about 2 inches. Place it in a dish of water in a sunny location. Something that easy sounds too good to be true. But that is all you need to do. Notice how yellow the center leaves are. That is the area that we will be watching...
This works. It’s an easy way togrow extra green onions.However, you will need more than just the root; you’ll need at least one inch of the white bulb end of the onion as well, and it’s often better to save the entire white portion of the onion. ...
Spring onions are a delicious addition to any home garden, but how do you grow them successfully? Spring onions are low-maintenance, fast-growing, and don't take up much space in your planter or garden—basically, they're a breeze to plant...