: the Full Name and Nationality of every partner, full trade or business address of the applicant, domain name in respect of goods and services, if the mark is in color - the color can be claimed, the signature of the applicant such as individual, managing partner in case of partnership....
Albania | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Central African Republic | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Gaza Strip | Haiti | Iraq | Jamaica | Jordan | Lebanon | Libya | Mali | Mexico | Mozambique | Nigeria | Pakistan | Philippines | Russian Federation | Senegal | Serbia | Somalia |...
Yes, corporate shareholders are allowed. Any company, Foundation or Limited Liability Partnership from any acceptable country can be a shareholder of a Seychelles IBC. Another Seychelles IBC or a Seychelles foundation can also be a shareholder of a Seychelles IBC. ...
Not allowed since the 16th December 2013. They are now prohibited in most countries as well. Types of legal entities Domestic Company (DBC), International Business Company (IBC), Protected Cell Company (PCC), Foundation, Trust, Limited Partnership (LP) ...
Not allowed since the 16th December 2013. They are now prohibited in most countries as well. Types of legal entities Domestic Company (DBC), International Business Company (IBC), Protected Cell Company (PCC), Foundation, Trust, Limited Partnership (LP) ...
Power of Attorney given to us in India duly signed by the Applicant and/or authorised signatory in the case may be as per draft annexed herewith. A copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association or copy of Partnership Deed as the case may be full name and address of trading style of the ...