A One Person Company Registration has fewer compliances, which are Reasonable and Minimum Compliance. Only the company's investment is lost in OPC; the directors' personal assets are protected regardless of the business's debts. Because the business entity is a corporation, the entrepreneurs' asset...
- At least one director who is a natural person and at least 18 years old - At least one shareholder who can be an individual or a corporation - A company secretary who must be a resident of Hong Kong or a Hong Kong-based corporation - A registered office address in Hong Kong - A ...
intelligence, occurrences or any remarks, observations or comments in relation to such news, intelligence, or occurrences or to any other matter of public interest; and (b) is printed
Limited Liability Partnership has been introduced in India by way of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. It exhibits elements of both partnership and corporation. In LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner's misconduct or negligence unlike a traditional partnership in ...
the provisions of the Companies Act of 2013, this concept was introduced for the first time. Furthermore, an OPC is a type of sole proprietorship firm in the form of a corporation that gives a single person ultimate authority over a business while limiting his liabilities and responsibilities....
We have a fair and transparent pricing structure. We do not have hidden fees associated with any of our services. 92% Client Retention 1200+ Satisfied Clients 60+ Cities we operate 150+ Services under one Roof Subscribe Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications by email. ...
“ZIM Parties”) be liable, jointly or severally, to the User, Registered User and/or any other person on its/their behalf, as a result of the User’s or Registered User’s access or use of ZIM Online or any content or service therein, for any indirect, consequential, incidental, ...
In Hong Kong, a corporation must have at least one director. Anyone above the age of 18 who is a natural person and is not a Hong Kong citizen is eligible to apply. The director must also not have been convicted of any misconduct or insolvency. In Hong Kong, a private limited company...
professional business services a worldwide, providing professional Global Corporation registration, accounting tax audit, corporate brand registration and planning, enterprise investment and financial planning services. In order to provide one-stop, for the development of enterprises a full range of services...
Articles of Incorporation state the name and the address of the corporation. They also identify the registered agent for service of process. The agent is the person or firm that receives official notices on behalf of the corporation. An officer, director or shareholder can be a registered agent...