Identify the structure/region of the vertebral column described below: Also known as the tailbone; consists of 4 fused vertebrae. Identify the structure/region of the vertebral column described below: Consists of 7 vertebrae that are unfused. Identify the structure/region ...
Vertebral Column | Definition, Function & Parts from Chapter 5 / Lesson 6 79K Learn about the vertebral column's function and the vertebrae definition. Discover the vertebrae bones and vertebral ribs, and explore the structure of the vertebral co...
Separation of Vertebrae Regions from Cervical Radiographs Using Inter-Vertebra Distance and OrientationFor many orthopedics, neurosurgeon and radiologists, the extraction of the spinal column and detection of each vertebra is essential. It helps in the identification of vertebral abnormalities like......
The paper introduces a new method to automatically identify deformity regions and provide diagnosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Starting from the 3D coordinates of the vertebrae and disc centroids, the spine curve is aligned vertically, scaled, and interpolated before performing a general statistic...
Noninvasive assessment of bone architecture by magnetic resonance micro-imaging-based virtual bone biopsy The mechanical competence of trabecular bone, the type of bone constituting the vertebrae and ends of the long bones, is largely determined by the bone's v... FW Wehrli,PK Saha,BR Gomberg,...
lateral pectoral region the most lateral part of the pectoral region, bounded laterally by the axillary region. lumbar region 1. the region of the back lying lateral to the lumbar vertebrae. See also loin. 2. lateral region. mammary region the part of the pectoral region surrounding the mamm...
Original ArticleThe Pedicles Are Not the Densest Regionsof the Lumbar Vertebrae: Implications forBone Quality Assessment and SurgicalTreatment StrategyEric A. Hohn, MD 1 , Bryant Chu, BS 2 , Audrey Martin, BS 2 ,Elizabeth Yu, MD 3 , Connor Telles, MD 4 , Jeremi Leasure, MS 2 ,Tennyson...
TotalSegmentator VertebraeCTWhole Body291202 TotalSegmentator V2CTWhole Body241202 VerSeCTWhole Body2996 WMHMRIBrain1170 ...
The ratio of asymmetrical to GABAergic synapses per 10 μm somatic membrane in the CA1 region (0.71±0.22) was higher than that in the CA3 region (0.53±0.14, P <.05). The ratio of the percentage of somatic membrane covered by asymmetrical/GABAergic synapses in the CA1 region (0.33±...
Table 4: Thresholds applied to infer bounding boxes on the Totalsegmentator dataset. Noise in the Totalsegmentator labels cause too large bounding boxes when using a threshold of 0. The thresholds were obtained by increasing the threshold until the visual inspection of the bounding box in the at...