the only significant parameter was SUVmax.With the guidance of navigation integrated with PET, CNB is a feasible and accurate diagnostic modality, which is also an alternative to open biopsy in patients with suspected primary or recurrent malignancies in deep regions of the head and neck on PET/...
regions of neck re·gions of neck [TA] the topographic subdivisions of the neck. Synonym(s):regiones cervicales[TA] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 (rē'jŭnz nek) [TA] The topographic subdivisions of the neck.
Nucleolar organizer regions in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Laryngoscope 1992;168:85-7.Hirsch SM, DuCanto J, Caldarelli DD, Hutchinson JC, Coon JS. Nucleolar organizer regions in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Laryngoscope 1992;102:39-44....
French region- a geographical subdivision of France geographic area,geographic region,geographical area,geographical region- a demarcated area of the Earth France,French Republic- a republic in western Europe; the largest country wholly in Europe ...
Lymph Node Regions in Head and Neck Definition Level I – Submental and submandibular Level II – Internal jugular chain, extends from the base of the skull to the bottom of the hyoid bone Level III – Internal jugular chain between the bottom of the hyoid bone and the bottom of the ...
3D-CT Angiography (3D-CTA) of the Head and Neck Regions(The 57th Annual Scientific Congress)(Educational Lecture) BACKGROUND: 3D CT angiography (3D-CTA) is a noninvasive imaging modality for cerebral aneurysms. 3D-CTA is helpful in the evaluation of the configuration o... T Hirano,K Shimi...
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the head and neck: a distinct clinicopathologic entity Head and neck cancers account for approximately five percent of all cancers, and the majority are squamous cell carcinoma. Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the... Alfio,Ferlito,Primož,... - 《European ...
neck, made up of vertebrae nuchal ligament, prominent process of occipital bone carotid sheath fascia encased collection of vital structures that run from the superior opening of the thorax superiorly to the head carotid sheath includes vagus nervecommon carotid arteryinternal jugular veinlymphatic duct...
regions of head regions of lower limb regions of neck regions of upper limb register registered blind registered dental hygienist registered dietitian Registered Fever Nurse Registered Mental Nurse registered nurse registered nurse first assistant
Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: New Translational Therapies Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma includes cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, and lymph nodes of the neck. Although early disease is amenable to sin... A Prince,J Aguirre-Ghizo,E Genden,... - 《Mount Sinai Journal ...