2.Usu.,regions.the vast or indefinite entirety of a space or area, or something compared to one:the regions of the mind. 3.a part of the earth's surface of considerable and usu. indefinite extent:a tropical region. 4.a district without respect to boundaries or extent:an industrial region...
What is the name given to the anatomical regions of the abdomen that lie just distal to the sternum? What are the three parts of the small intestine? The navel is found/located in what region of the abdomen? What portion of the intestine is continuous with the stomach? Which region of t...
Take AbdomenCT1K for instance, you need to run the following command: python processor.py \ --dataset_name AbdomenCT1K \ --root_path 'SAT-DS/data/nii/AbdomenCT-1K' \ --jsonl_dir 'SAT-DS/data/jsonl' root_pathshould be where you download and place the data,jsonl_dirshould be where...
To generate adaptive behaviors, animals1and robots2must not only sense their environment but also be aware of their own ongoing behavioral state. Knowing if one is at rest or in motion permits the accurate interpretation of whether sensory cues, such as visual motion during feature tracking or o...
(egg, whole larva or whole pupa) equivalent to the volume of an adult worker bee. The eggs we collected were straight and smooth; all larvae had a C-shape curve; pupae had visible compound eye pigmentation and clear head-thorax-abdomen segmentation, but their wings were not developed yet;...
A method of repairing diseased or dysfunctional pancreas or liver is provided. The method involves preparation of a suspension of stem cells and/or progenitor cells such as biliary tree stem cells, hepatic stem cells, pancreatic stem cells or their descendants, committed progenitor cells, from healt...
1.any large, indefinite, and continuous part of a surface or space 2.(Physical Geography) an area considered as a unit for geographical, functional, social, or cultural reasons 3.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an administrative division of a country:Tuscany is one of the regions of the ...
hypochondrium - the upper region of the abdomen just below the lowest ribs on either side of the epigastrium area of cardiac dullness - a triangular area of the front of the chest (determined by percussion); corresponds to the part of the heart not covered by the lungs epigastrium - the...
1.an extensive, continuous part of a surface, space, or body:a region of the earth. 2.Usu.,regions.the vast or indefinite entirety of a space or area, or something compared to one:the regions of the mind. 3.a part of the earth's surface of considerable and usu. indefinite extent:...
Tissue engineering considers the usage of mesenchymal stem cells as a possible option for regenerating tissues, with respect to bone and cartilage, due to their ability to differentiate into multiple cytotypes (including chondrocytes and osteoblasts). Herein, we characterize a non-invasive solution ...