regions of head [TA] the topographic division of the cranium in relation to the bones of the cranial vault; the regions include frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, auricular, mastoid, and facial. Synonym(s):regiones capitis[TA] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
(take) part in the epidemic fight in Hubei," said Hao Shu'an,head of (5)medical team from Jinnan District of Tianjin. Some medical teams are already working in makeshift hospitals and are ready to receive mild cases and asymptomatic carriers(无症状感染者),according to the Shanghai ...
regions of head regions of lower limb regions of neck regions of upper limb register registered blind registered dental hygienist registered dietitian Registered Fever Nurse Registered Mental Nurse registered nurse registered nurse first assistant
Genetic alterations in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. The genetic alterations observed in head and neck cancer are mainly due to oncogene activation (gain of function mutations) and tumor suppressor gene inact... MA Nagai - 《Brazilian Journal of Medical & Biological Research》 被引量:...
At the center of our culture is our philosophy, Head + Heart, Together. It means we use our knowledge to provide expert care while listening to our hearts and acting with compassion. Head + Heart, Together is one of the things that makes Regions Hospital a great place to work. ...
This provides conditions for a relatively technically simple method for recording respiratory sounds, which can be of value for medical diagnostics and monitoring the state of critical workers carrying out their professional duties.doi:10.1134/S1063771021040102V. I. Mirgorodskii...
All provincial and 90 percent of municipal disease control centers have nucleic acid detection and virus isolation capabilities, Wang Hesheng, deputy head of the National Health Commission and chief of the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration, said during a press conference. ...
(a) List the major regions of the brain. (b) Describe the functions of each.CraniumAll the bones that form the head are known as the cranium. The cranium is part of the skull that also composes the mandibles. In humans, the cranium is known as neurocranium, and mandibles ...
Saty Satya-Murti, MD| Retired neurologist, and former MAC medical director. This analysis by Marcum et al is timely. The decision to leave, "coverage determinations to be made by Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)" was probably unwise. ...
Medical Encyclopedia Related to abdominal regions:abdominal quadrants of, in, or for the abdomen:exercise to strengthen the abdominal wall Not to be confused with: abominable– repugnantly hateful; loathsome:an abominable crime;very bad, poor, or inferior:abominable taste in clothes ...