Regions routing numbers are as follows: State Routing/Transit Number Alabama 062000019 Arkansas 082000109 Florida 063104668 Georgia 061101375 Illinois 071122661 Indiana 074014213 Iowa 073900438 Kentucky 083901744 Louisiana 065403626 Mississippi 065305436 Missouri 081001387 North Carolin...
Get REGIONS BANK routing numbers list. REGIONS BANK has 42 active routing numbers. REGIONS BANK routing number is a nine-digit numeric code printed on the bottom of checks that is used to facilitate the electronic routing of funds (ACH transfer) from one
Alabama (211) Arkansas (81) Florida (309) Georgia (117) Iowa (8) Illinois (48) Indiana (52) Kentucky (11) Louisiana (98) Missouri (64) Mississippi (125) North Carolina (7) South Carolina (22) Tennessee (218) Texas (89) Regions Bank Branches ...
RoutingNumber:ACH & Wire - 15 Records Locations:1273 Branches in 15 states Web Headquarters:1900 Fifth Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama 35203 Regions Bank Information Regions Bankwas founded in January 1928 and is based in Birmingham, Alabama. The bank operates as a subsidiary...
If you don't live in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North or South Carolina, Texas, or Tennessee, you won't be able to open an account. Low interest rates. The interest rate offered on certain deposit accounts is ...
The impact of climate change on rainfall Intensity–Duration–Frequency (IDF) curves in Alabama. Regional Environmental Change 13, 25–33, doi: 10.1007/s10113-012-0375-5 (2013). 45. Scott, D. W. Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualisation (John Wiley and Sons, 2015...
Short-term effects of cool and hot prescribed burning on breeding songbird populations in the Alabama Piedmont. Southern Journal of Applied For- estry 19: 18-22. Swift, L.W., K.J. Elliot, R.D. Ottmar, and R.E. Vihnanek. 1993. Site preparation burning to im- prove southern Appalachian...
Regions Bank was the first multi-bank holding company in Alabama, where at the present time the corporate office of the company is headquartered. Regions Financial Corporation has been on the market since 1971. Originally the company bore the name First Alabama Bancshares Inc. In the beginning th...