Regions bank accounts are available at over 1,600 branches to residents of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. See the offers below. Regions Bank $400...
Session: Water Resource Challenges and Opportunities in North-Central Texas and Surrounding Regions ISouth Central Section Annual Meeting
Table S10. GenBank accession number and primers of amplified DNA fragments of genes for quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). (XLSX 101 kb) Additional file 2: Figure S1. Predication of putative monoterpenol glucosyltransferase. (A) k-means cluster of the UDP-glycosyltransferase (UGTs) ...
Water and land resources are important material bases of economic and social development, and their spatial patterns determine the pattern of the urban development. The development and expansion of coal-resource-based cities have introduced new societal problems, such as the overlapping of new city co...
Accurate crop type identification and crop area estimation from remote sensing data in tropical regions are still considered challenging tasks. The more favorable weather conditions, in comparison to the characteristic conditions of temperate regions, permit higher flexibility in land use, planning, and ...
The relevance of the article is due to the fact that as the ice melts, the Arctic Ocean is becoming increasingly available. This fact has renewed the interest in Arctic mineral resources. The purpose of this article is to study special aspects of the dev
According to the quarterly indicator of the regional economy (ITER) elaborated by the Bank of Italy, recovery was particularly evident in Northern Italy. Exports have grown in all areas and investments appear higher than those planned. Positive signals were observed on incomes and consuption ...
[66]). In contrast, the minimal value (454 g·m−2·y−1) was obtained in the sedge meadow located on a sandbank. Figure 9. The variability of the aboveground net primary productivity and NDVImax (median, percentiles, minima and maxima) in khasyrey plant communities: a, b, c—...
In our case, we want to treat the North Region of Algeria and, especially, the cited towns inTable 2(Batna, Guelma, Medea, Meliana, Chlef, Tiaret, and Tlemcen) as a first step, and then generalize the study in future work to other sites in the north of Algeria, particularly the isol...