ChileThe aim of this paper is to describe the sources of growth for the regions of Chile during the period 1987-2009. Using the primal method proposed by Solow, the Total Factor Productivity (PTF) is computed with different capital and labor measures. When the information of a factor is ...
Territorios: Revista de Estudios Regionales y Urbanos, 71-85.Boisier S., (2005), La Imperiosa necesi- dad de ser diferente en la Globalizacion: El Mercadeo Territo- rial. La Experiencia de las Regiones Chilenas. Monografia, Septiem- bre.2005. (2006), Algunas Reflexiones para aproximar...
Recently, a significant share of the empirical analysis on the impact\\udof public capital on regional growth has used multivariate time-series frameworks based on vector autoregressive (VAR) models. Nevertheless, not as much attention has been dedicated to the analysis of the long-run determinants...
Boisier, Sergio (2006) "La imperiosa necesidad de ser diferente en la globalizacion. El mercadeo territorial: la experiencia de las regiones chilenas". Territorios: Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales nro. 15, pp. 71-85.