Regione Emilia-Romagna Regione Emilia-Romagna iPad & iPhone youngERcard Entertainment CriterApp Productivity Bandi e concorsi Reference OssERvare Medical iPhone Lavoro per Te Emilia-Romagna Productivity Easy Hospital Navigation Maps4You Travel
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Regione Emilia-Romagna is the birthplace of iconic Italian delicacies, a treasure trove of gastronomic wonders. Here, a rich tapestry of distinctive culinary traditions has been woven through the harmonious union of exceptional quality, unparalleled expertise, and the essence of the land itself. In a...
Prescription drug use during pregnancy: a population-based study in Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2008 Nov; 64(11): 1125–32Joshua J. Gagne, Vittorio Maio, Vincenzo Berghella, Daniel Z. Louis, Joseph S. Gonnella. (2008) Prescription drug use during pregnancy: a ...
autonoma di Trento, all’Emilia-Romagna ed alla Sicilia. Il GIF si è costituito nel 1995 allo scopo di unificare la banca dati delle segnalazioni spontanee, creando un database comune al fine di aumentare la sensibilità del sistema e l’efficacia dell’analisi. Il GIF provvede...
下载“Regione Emilia-Romagna”开发的 App,包括“Lavoro per Te Emilia-Romagna”、“Easy Hospital”、“Maps4You”等。
doi:10.1016/S1098-3015(10)68614-7JJ GagneV MaioC RabinowitzDZ LouisValue in HealthJ. J. Gagne, V. Maio, and C. Rabinowitz, "Prevalence and pre- dictors of potential drug-drug interactions in Regione Emilia- Romagna, Italy," Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, vol. 33, no. ...
Potentially inappropriate medication prescribing for elderly outpatients in Emilia Romagna, Italy: a population-based cohort study.doi:10.1016/S1098-3015(10)62573-9V MaioEJ YuenKD NovielliC RabinowitzDZ LouisValue in Health
(2008) Prevalence and predictors of potential drug-drug interactions in Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy. J Clin Pharm. Therap., 33(1): 141-151.Gagne JJ, Maio V, Rabinowitz C (2008) Prevalence and predictors of potential drug-drug interactions in Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Journal of ...
The quantitative data collected are limited to the region and distributed in all the provinces of Emilia Romagna;It addressed the issue of the role of continuing education throughout life and the importance of updating knowledge and skills, such as privileged instruments to address the instability ...