The final part of the article deals with the critical analysis of the meaning of the notion based on the experience of regionalism in Serbia, as well as theoretical capabilities of sociology in understanding the notion of regionalism.doi:10.5937/socpreg0201191AZoran Avramovic...
Ordering space is a cognitive process involving discur-sive interpretation and social negotiation of what in the past has been de-scribed as“social space”. Ordering, or signifying, space both means to makesomething visible and to charge it with meaning.17Spatial formats are a lensthrough ...
Etymologically, the word bioregionalism is from the Greek word bios (meaning life) and the French word region (more generally thought of as place). Admittedly, as Jim Dodge (1981) points out, defining bioregionalism is no easy matter, as it is place-specific, non-prescripti...
In fact, the conception of genius loci is reinterpreted in contemporary high-rise cities. The first problem which critical regionalism approach puts finger on is the homogenization of International Style which it has totally diminished the sense, meaning, and identity of the place. Instead of ...
Canada is officially bilingual in English and French, reflecting the country’s history as ground once contested by two of Europe’s great powers. The word Canada is derived from theHuron-Iroquoiskanata, meaning a village or settlement. In the 16th century, French explorerJacques Cartierused the...