Italy has a fascinating geographical history. It wasn't until 1870 that Italy became a united country. For centuries it was divided into autonomous regions that still hold great significance for many Italians. Each of those regions is graced with a capit
Italyhas been aparliamentary democracysince 1 January 1946. It has been afounding memberof theEuropean Unionever since 1 January 1952 andis also a member of NATO and the United Nations. Italy's Head of State is the president, who has a predominantly representative role similiar to his colleagu...
Planning a trip to Italy but not sure where to go? Find your ideal Italian destination with our expert guide to choosing the perfect region for your dream vacation.
Public transport accessibility to urban and regional services has been found to relate to various social and economic processes, such as unemployment, transport mode choice, property prices, and public health. A frequent type of measures representing acc
The specialized IoT competences in “hardware manufacturing” (cl‐2, cl‐3, cl‐5, cl‐6) are essentially embedded in the most advanced manufacturing countries: mainly in Germany, and also in Italy, France and the UK, with the manufacturing of measuring instruments in medium sized companies ...
More specifically, each step is applied to a different case study destination— three of the 212 Slovenian municipalities, namely Bled, Divača, and Brežice, as well as the Slovenian/Italian cross-border destination of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) – Gorizia (Italy) — to demonstrate the possible...
The Italian Constitution defines Italy's regions—20 autonomous entities, each with specifically defined powers. Each region also has a flag, and this quiz game can helpyou learn them all. Lombardy's flag could use some work; it's just a white blob on a
between two larger cities. If you catch the “Fast Regional” though – known as RE – you’ll usually have fewer stops and get to your destination faster. Keep reading to find out more info, or head to ourItaly train mappage for more details about some of Italy's most popular routes...
China is experiencing rapid growth in activewear, driven by a greater awareness of health, more people moving to cities, and a growing middle class with more money to spend. As more people adopt an active lifestyle, the demand for sports and fitness clothing is increasing. India is also seei...
(2) What are the similarities and differences between the spatiotemporal sociodemography of the megacity Tokyo and that observed in the Euro-American medium-large cities? The results show that, in agreement with the findings of existing studies in Euro-American cities, Tokyo has experienced the sy...