Inventory management is crucial in organisations, including the Ghana Health Service. This study was carried out to assess the effects of inventory management practices on the healthcare delivery and operational performance of Sunyani Regional Hospital. A descriptive survey research design was used. Fift...
Regional Map.Presents the regional map of the continent of Africa.EBSCO_bspGhana Country Review
representatives from the Ghana Food Movement, Chef Adenike Adefila from Nigeria, Chefs in Africa (Rwanda), and Chef Mounir El Arem from Tunisia, will present their initiatives and discuss their impact on local communities, empha...
Another study at Cape coast metropolis, Ghana also indicated that the percentage weight deviation of the various brands of artemether-lumefantrine tablets from their respective mean weights was less than 10% [32]. A study conducted on the quality of chloroquine phosphate tablet samples in Ethiopia ...
, farming sector vulnerability to climate change and variability in South Africa (Gbetibouo and Ringler2009), agriculture sector vulnerability in Australia (Nelson et al.2010) and coastal communities’ vulnerability to floods in Ghana (Yankson et al.2017)....
Route Map: Air Canada completes the transfer of Embraer 175s to Sky Regional Airlines Air Canada(Montreal) announced it has successfully completed the transfer of all 15 of its Embraer 175 aircraft, the smallest jet aircraft in Air Canada’s fleet, toSky Regional Airlines (Air Canada Regional)...
FCM Travel Ghana The Ground floor Grand Oyeeman Building, South Liberation Link, Airport Commercial Area, Ghana. FCM Travel Greece 45, Ilektroupoleos Str. & 54 Kyprou Avenue, Argyroupoli, 164 52, Athens, Greece FCM Travel Guatemala Diagonal 6, 10-50 Zona 10, Primer Nivel, Local 104, Edif...
Cape Coast Castle is situated 4 km southeast of St. Peter’s Regional Seminary.Cape Coast Light Photo: Owula kpakpo, CC BY-SA 4.0. Fort William Lighthouse is located on the Dawson's Hill in the old centre of Cape Coast, in Ghana's Central Region. Cape Coast Light is situated 3½...
Location: Accra Metropolitan District, Greater Accra Region, Ghana, West Africa, Africa View on OpenStreetMapLatitude5.54795° or 5° 32' 53" north Longitude-0.20395° or 0° 12' 14" west Levels3 Open Location Code6CQXGQXW+5C OpenStreetMap IDway 298260294 OpenStreetMap...
Buge Satellite Map© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and MaxarOther Places Named BugeBügedűlőLocality in Nógrád County, Hungary BugeLocality in Guangdong, China BugeLocality in Inner Mongolia, China BugeLocality in Yunnan, China BugeLocality in Ghana University Library of GenoaLibrary in Genoa, ...