suggesting a potential limit to this approach for coastal areas in the Western Indian Ocean. However, we found longitudinal variation ofδ13C andδ15N that few studies have reported. This is the first study in this region to combine satellite telemetry and stable isotope...
reclamation on an appropriate scale at suitable sites outside the Victoria Harbour, etc. 妥善做好全盤土地儲備,並開展土地供應的長遠規劃 工作,以應付本港短中長期的土地需求;短期方面, 應進一步簡化批地程序,急推閒置用地、容許將工廈 在補地價後直接改建為住宅等;中長期方面,則須加 快覓地...
Objective. To assess the prevalence of rheumatic regional pain syndromes (RRPS) in 3 geographical areas of Mexico using the Community Oriented Program in the Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) screening methodology and validate by expert consensus on case-based definitions. Methods. By means of an ...
To combine fine resolution data in rural and peri-urban areas and account for spatial–temporal variability, we applied an interdisciplinary mixed-method approach. We combined key informant interviews and household surveys with longitudinal trend analysis of disasters, resource consumption and production in...
A Regional Guide to Books Published by The Hakluyt Society INDIA Compiled by Lionel Knight1 Introduction With the choice of Magellan's ship, the Victoria, as their logo, the founders of the Hakluyt Society confirmed their international intentions. The authors of the works reviewed below range ...
Search terms used included multiple variants of terms covering the following areas "preterm/premature" and "birth/labor" or "new- born/infant," "mortality/death," and "outcome/impairment" and used Medical Subject Headings terms when available (see Supplementary Information online for full details ...
Third, we highlight differences in the load shifting potential between rural and urban areas. For example, to account for regional differences in the residential building stock more than 700 building types are used for modelling residential PtH. Regionalised cost-potential curves: While there are ...
1 A series of Renewable Energy Zones in regional areas have been identified by AEMO as the best locations for large-scale renewable energy generation and storage. In the three largest states, the New South Wales (NSW), Queensland and Victorian Governments are each currently developing programs to...
Over the last five decades, all crops have increased in production areas, except for fruits (Table S2). Crop yields and livestock numbers increased as well, namely for cattle, goats, sheep, poultry, and pigs (Table 1). 2.2 N budget and N use efficiency estimation approaches 2...
Billen G (1990) N-budget of the major rivers discharging into the continental coastal zone f the North Sea: The nitrogen paradox. In: Lancelot C, Billen G & Barth H (Eds) Eutrophication and Algal Bloom in North Sea Zones, the Baltic and Adjacent Areas: Prediction and Assessment of Prevent...