These nuclei show rich and complex level structures because of the interplay between single-particle and collective modes of excitation. The occupation of high-j orbitals for protons and neutrons is responsible for various structural phenomena for nuclei in this region, such as magnetic and chiral ...
The difference in corresponding irradiation characteristics between ions and neutrons is definite; irradiated ions will be stopped inside the target material because of the electron's stopping power, whereas irradiated neutrons penetrate the target material. However, the microstructure evolution during a ...
New results obtained for photoproduction on protons and neutrons at the GRAAL facility are analyzed in detail. The experiment in question was performed in a gamma-ray beam that was obtained by means of Compton backscattering of laser photons on electrons at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility...
Answer to: Ions or molecules tend to diffuse from a region where they are ___ (more/less) concentrated to another where they are ___...
(2004) have found that irradiation of GaN with 1.8 MeV protons does not increase the concentration of the H1 trap at 0.85 eV. Demchenko et al. (2013) identify this defect as the CNON complex, although Lyons et al. (2010) suggest that it is an isolated CN defect. The attribution of ...
Photoproduction of {\\boldmath{$\\pi^{0}$}} Mesons off Protons and Neutrons in the Second and Third Nucleon Resonance RegionPhotoproduction of mesons off quasi-free nucleons bound in the deuteron allows to study the electromagnetic excitation spectrum of the neutron and the isospin structure of...
Comparisons of the displacement energies deltaE(I) and the staggering factor DeltaE 1, gamma(I) are presented between the Ba-Dy region with 88 neutrons and Ra isotopes with 88 protons.doi:10.1142/S0218301313500705MHEEMEEDAHMED K.World Scientific Publishing CompanyInternational Journal of Modern ...
In this work, we use as realistic elementary pion electroproduction operator the MAID model [11] which has been developed to analyze the world data for pion photo- and electroproduction off protons and neutrons. The MAID model is a unitary isobar model for a partial wave analysis, where all...
Butanol's covalently bonded protons in hydrogen atoms are polarizable using a technique called Dynamic Nuclear Polar- ization (DNP), in which spin polarization is transferred from the electrons to the nucleons. Details of the target polariza- tion procedure can be found in Ref. [17]. The ...
Observed for the processes gamma+p arrow eta+p, gamma+n arrow eta+n are calculated throughout the resonance energy region using the single isobar model without a background. The connection between invariant photoexcitation amplitudes of the resonances on neutrons and protons are calculated. The ...