Repubblica del Congo Costa d'Avorio Etiopia Gabon Ghana Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Maurizio Marocco Mozambico Namibia Niger Nigeria Riunione Ruanda Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Sud Africa Tanzania Andare Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Argentina Brasile Canada Chile Colombia Ecuador Guiana fran...
Sierra Leone Southern SL-3 Sierra Leone Western Area SL-4 Singapore Singapore Central Region SG-01 Singapore East Region SG-02 Singapore North Region SG-03 Singapore North-East Region SG-04 Singapore West Region SG-05 Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovakia Banskobystricky SK-6 Slovakia Bratislavsky...
Afganistán Suazilandia Madagascar República del Congo Sudáfrica Etiopía Malaui Ruanda Argelia Gabón Mali Santo Tomé y Príncipe Angola Gambia Marruecos Senegal Arabia Saudí Ghana Mauritania Seychelles Baréin Guinea Mayotte Sierra Leona Benín Guinea Ecuatorial Mozambique Somalia Botsuana Mauricio Nami...
Sierra Leone Northern Northern SL-2 Sierra Leone Southern Southern SL-3 Sierra Leone Western Area Western Area SL-4 Singapore Singapore Central Region Central Region SG-CR Singapore East Region East Region SG-ER Singapore North Region North Region SG-NR Singapore North-East Region North-East Regi...
CONTROL IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC REGION Flag Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saudi Arabia Sierra Leone Singapore Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan, China Tanzania Thailand Togo Türkiye Tuvalu Ukraine United Kingdom (UK) United States of America Vanuatu Viet Nam Total No....
Diego took us to so many wonderful places on this tour and he was so friendly and just overall a great person to spend the day getting to know la Sierra. The bizcochos in Cayambe were so delicious. He also took us to the Lago San Pablo, then we ...
Asociación de Ganaderos de la Sierra y la Amazonia de Ecuador mountainous areas regions zonas montañosas a mountainous region area una región montañosa 更多(+1) 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“mountain region"翻译成 西班牙文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 These include the north...
Angola Etiopía Mauritania Sierra Leona Bahrein Gabón Mauricio Somalia Benin Gambia Mayotte Sudáfrica Botswana Ghana Marruecos Swazilandia Burkina Faso Guinea Mozambique Tanzania Camerún Irak Namibia Togo Cabo Verde Israel Níger Túnez República Centroafricana Jordán Nigeria Turquía Comoras Kenia Omán ...
Administratively, it still maintains the same three provinces established by the Balmaceda government (1886–1891): Antofagasta, El Loa and Tocopilla, and nine municipalities: Antofagasta, Calama, Tocopilla, Mejillones, María Elena, Taltal, Sierra Gorda, San Pedro de Atacama and Ollagüe (Map ...
We identified biogeographical districts in the Paramo biogeographic province, in the north-western Andes of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, including the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, above 3000 m ASL. We applied a parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) to 8418 distributional data ...