ROI pooling是简化版SPP,在Fast RCNN与Faster RCNN中使用。 ROI是Region of Interest的简写,指的是在“特征图上的框”。在SPP Net和Fast RCNN中, ROIS是指Selective Search完成后得到的所有“候选框”在特征图上的映射; 在Faster RCNN中,候选框是经过RPN算... ...
which are obtained by using ROI pooling to the CNN feature maps generated with SE-VGG16.The output target of this branch is the adaptive number of boundary points for each text region. Because the output length changes for different text regions, it is reasonable to use RNN to predict these...
用gt生成smoothing的AOI(area of region),即构造region AOI-grounded moment pooling,即统计每个region的特征分布 构造initer-region affinity distillation 生成smoothing AOI 如果直接用原始的gt,会把类别周边的信息彻底抛弃掉,所以作者为了获取相对更大一些的area of interest,对原始gt做了平滑操作(应该是一个average po...