This paper shows how 2D digital image correlation (2D DIC) and region-based convolutional neural network (R-CNN) can be combined for image-based automated monitoring and assessment of surface crack development of concrete structural elements during laboratory quasi-static tests. In the presented appro...
based on single-level visual features from a global view. Aiming to utilize different levels of visual features from both global and local view, we propose a multi-level region-based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) framework to discover the sentimental response of local regions. We first ...
论文阅读 文章地址 ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 论文阅读 摘要 一、Introduction 1.1 论文贡献 二、ImageNet数据集 三、The Architecture 3.1 **函数 3.2 多种GPU的训练 3.3 本地响应标准化 3.4 重叠池化 3.5 总体结构 四、减少过拟合 4...[...
参考Faster R-CNN论文中的原图(图一) al AS gi io op OR sal st te w work 卷积 学习 学习笔记 计算机视觉2021-01-07 上传大小:187KB 所需:35积分/C币 目标检测模型-Faster-RCNN模型-Pytorch版本 Faster R-CNN(Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network)是一种流行的目标检测框架,由Shaoqing Ren...
A Multibranch of Convolutional Neural Network Models for Electroencephalogram-Based Motor Imagery Classification G. Altuwaijri,G. Muhammad - 《Biosensors》 - 2022 - 被引量: 0 An Improved Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network with a Compensator for Crowd Counting Zhiyun Zheng,Zhenhao Sun,Guanglei Zhu...
As a result, ReSim learns spatially and semantically consistent feature representation throughout the convolutional feature maps of a neural network. A shift or scale of an image region, e.g., a shift or scale of an object, has a corresponding change in the feature maps; this allows ...
FCN(fully convolutional networks),RPN(Region Proposal Network),FPN(feature pyramid networks)反卷积和空洞卷积,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
2019显著性检测 EGNet: Edge Guidance Network for Salient Object Detection 【文章】 【代码】 1.摘要 Fully convolutional neural networks (FCNs) have shown their advantages in the salient object detection task. However, most existing FCNs-based methods still suf... ...
* 论文自己说它比以下论文效果好。 20. 《PixelspixHD: Context encoders: Feature learning by inpainting》 (CVPP 2016) 28.《SPADE: Image inpainting via deep feature rearrangement》(ECCV 2017) 26.《GMCNN:Image inpainting via generative mulit-column convolutional neural networks》(NeurIPS 2018) ...