FEMA created Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE) maps to show a more current picture of flood risk for coastal New Jersey and New York communities after Hurricane Sandy. For most communities, ABFE information has now been replaced by preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps as the most recent flood...
(MOU) with the Red Cross, delineating roles and responsibilities of the two agencies. Mental health services to survivors may also be provided at hospitals, first aid sites, and the coroner’s office. Consequently, the mental health plan requires coordination and integration with the emergency ...
“are a positive step to ensure the preservation of part of Puerto Rican history and above all will strengthen the structures for the safety of those who frequent those spaces,” said Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction and
EPA also carries outdisaster response, which occurs when FEMA or state governments request EPA assistance in responding to federally-declared disasters or emergencies. TheStafford Actallows the president to provide this federal assistance when the response needed exceeds state and local capacity. November...
To get the time off from his office job here, Gerrits used up vacation time and also went without pay for the two-week period. Traversa joined the Red Cross 11 years ago specifically because she wanted to help at the scene of the World Trade Center devastation of Sept. 11, 2001, the...