Map of Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, with grid overlay on the study region and schematic of field survey design.Saroj, PanthiGopal, KhanalKrishna Prasad, AcharyaAchyut, AryalArjun, Srivathsa
in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil Sebastiana Lima Santos1, María Fernanda De la Fuente2* and Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves3 Abstract Background: Hunting has been an important cultural and subsistence activity for the survival of the human ...
The ungulates analysed are related to the hunting activities carried out by humans in the surroundings of the archaeological sites, meaning that their environmental signals can be directly linked to periods of human activity. In the Cantabrian region, δ13C, δ15N and δ34S have been published ...
In 1890, count Siegfried Graf von Wimpffen built in Charlottensburg a hunting lodge, populated the nearby forests with red deer from Austria and Bohemia, and transformed it in a hunting reserve, the oldest in Romania. Today, the hunting lodge is home toCharlottenburg Hunting Museum. ...
Both species are endemic to Patagonia but endangered because of hunting. They can be found in the forests of the Andes, such as Torres del Paine.Culpeo fox, known as the Andean Fox, and Grey fox, known as Patagonian Fox, are two species of South American foxes that live in Patagonia. ...
probably as partof a sort of pilgrimage route from the river valley to the uplands. This journey was probably associatedwith pastoral and hunting activities pursued around the site, a conclusion supported by the high densityof deer bones found within the architectural complex (Laneriet al.2008)....
Thus according to Cuinet, hunting was of considerable importance to the local economy in the late 19th century AD, which is remarkable given that it is not very common at present. Cuinet (1894: 490-2) also notes that the district of Cide, which was then larger, encompassed 36 villages ...
Worthy of mention is also theGl’ Cierv–L’Uomo Cervo(deer man) in Castelnuovo al Volturno, a pantomimic performance that combines magical religious rituals and hunting scenes, with as protagonists the deer, the ram and the hunter, celebrated on the last Sunday of Carnival. The origin and ...
This was expected because habitat and carbon were both very dependent on the land cover map. On the other hand, the selected network for soil retention is related to topography, where steeper areas also had remnants of forest cover. The irreplaceable of PUs for water conservation had little ...
Bats usually stop hunting when it rains [30,31] and therefore we avoided, as much as possible, recording when there was rain or/and strong wind. Figure 2. An example of how the SM4BAT recorder and the microphone were placed at the site Krini, close to the water. The recording unit ...