Food-Water-Ecosystems (FWEco) Nexus The submap obtained for the FWEco nexus in Axarquia contained 28 variables and 6454 loops (Online Resource 2 – Fig. SI-2). Remarkably, “Annual water allocations for agriculture” appeared in the largest number of loops, suggesting that it plays a key fu...
N.A.G.S.C.T. Southern Region Meets In St. Petersburg for Annual ConferenceNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/j.2164-4918.1956.tb01757.xJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of Counseling & Development
5 World Health Organization, Regional Office for South East Asia, New Delhi 110002, India; * Correspondence:; Tel.: +254-701-178-714 † These authors contributed equally to this work. Received: 24 April 2018; Accepted: 7 June 2018; Published: 10 ...
Nickel–Mineralogy and Chemical Composition of Some Nickel-Bearing Laterites in Southern Oregonand Northern California; Bulletin; US Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, USA, 1992; pp. 1–24. 40. Sufriadin. Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Leaching Behavior of the Soroko Nickeliferous Laterite ...
For this, contact was made with the Panchase Protected Forest Program (PPFP), the District Forest Office in Kaski, and different non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the study region to identify potential interviewees and focus group participants. This was followed by field visits to...
GCMs EC-EARTH HadGEM2-ES MIROC5 MPI-ESM-MR Research Center EC: Earth consortium United Kingdom (UK) Meteorological Office University of Tokyo, National Institute for Environmental Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Countries and Regions Europe UK Japan Germany Grid Resolution 1.125◦ × 1.125...
The data provided by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and other representative sample based research enable us to define the details of sporting habits. For example, until 2012 between 30–40% of the total population pursued some kinds of sport. The activity level differs by gender (males...
Cont. Organization NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA National Institute of Meteorological Research/Korea Meteorological Administration, South Korea Met Office Hadley Centre (additional HadGEM2-ES realizations contributed by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais), UK Institute for Numerical ...
tForo20m15F.igFurorme 5Fc,igitucraen5bc,eitobcasnerbveedobthseartvthede ethmaitstshioenemamisosuionnt aomf CoHun4 taolsfoCeHxh4iablistsoaexshhaibriptsinacsrheaarspe winictrhetaismeew, aitnhdtitmhee,garnowd tthheragtreoiws athborautte8i0s taibmoeusth8i0ghtiemr ethsahnigthheart tih...
The main cause is that BM has defined roles in the National Social and Economic Development Plan (NESDP) virtually in every issue for the prosperity of the country in all forms [5]. It is the administrative center of the country, as well as the center of investment in real estate ...