Population in China in 2023, by province or region (in million inhabitants) Population in million inhabitants127.06127.06101.23101.2398.1598.1585.2685.2683.6883.6873.9373.9366.2766.2765.6865.6861.2161.2158.3858.3850.2750.2746.7346.7345.1545.1541.8341.8341.8241.8239.5239.5238.6538.6534.6634.6631.9131.9130.6230.6225.982...
In 2023, there were approximately 2.1 million people aged 65 years and older in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea.
In 2023, India overtook China as the world's most populous country. While most regions of the world now have low population growth, populations in Africa are still growing rapidly, fuelled by a young population structure. This provides the region with a potential 'demographic dividend' which ...
Table 1. Population, GDP and health expenditure data disaggregated by WHO Europe subregions. SubregionMember StatesPopulation (2023)(Million)GDP (PPP) (current international $) (2023)(Trillion)Current health expenditure (% of GDP)(2021)Current health expenditure per capita, PPP (current international...
The incidence was highest in 2021 with 473 per 100,000 population and lowest in 2023 with 320 per 100,000 population (Fig. 4). There were 25 transport mortalities over the five-year period with an average mortality rate of 0.7 per 1,000 injuries (Table 2). Table 2 Incidence of ...
Kansas had a 2023 population of 2,940,546 people. That’s an increase of 3,830 people, or 0.1%. Here’s a look at population totals and growth rates for other states in the region. • Arkansas: 3.06 million, up 21,328, up 0.7%. ...
1961~2017年三江源冬季平均降水量为11.3 mm,呈增长趋势,其增长速率为0.6 mm (10 a)−1,通过99%的置信度检验。由三江源冬季降水距平时间序列(图2a)可知,三江源冬季降水在20世纪60年代至21世纪00年代中期以年代际震荡变化为主,其中20世纪60年代到80年代中期以负距平为主,20世纪80年代末期至21世纪00年代中期以...
试验田前茬为小麦, 土壤质地为黏土, 地力中等, 含有机质27.1 g kg–1、全氮1.7 g kg–1、碱解氮86.6 mg kg–1、速效磷34.3 mg kg–1、速效钾77.7 mg kg–1. 5月19日播种, 6月15日移栽. 育秧方式为毯苗育秧, 栽插密度为27.8万穴 hm–2 (行株距为30 cm×12 ...
1. Shaker High School Google Maps 1. Shaker High School And, the BEST public high school in the Capital Region is...Shaker High School! Located in Latham, Shaker's diverse population is presented with strong curriculum in the classroom, and has a plethora of options outside of the class...
U.S. home broadband usage reach 2000-2023, by age group Past week internet usage in Indonesia in August 2012, by age group Share of Chinese internet users worldwide 2009-2018 Share of individuals that used the internet in Denmark 2020, by age group ...