DVD 0, All Can be played worldwide. Region ALL discs have flags set for regions 1-6 plus reserved region 7 and special international venues region 8 (cruise ships etc), allowing the disc to be played in any location on any player. Region 0 is an informal term meaning "worldwide". Dis...
In addition, the built in potential approaches zero as the doping concentration product approaches the square of the intrinsic carrier concentration, meaning that no depletion region exists. It also needs to be pointed out that the doping concentration must be greater than the injected charge from ...
I moved to Chile (Region 4), and brought all my USA bought movies(Region 1), with me. So I bought an inexpensive DVD player, but now only some of the movies can be played. The player is by Global home, yet I can not find ANY webpage or information on this brand. It is not l...
In addition, the built in potential approaches zero as the doping concentration product approaches the square of the intrinsic carrier concentration, meaning that no depletion region exists. It also needs to be pointed out that the doping concentration must be greater than the injected charge from ...
The term "white/black" herein is employed for convenience's sake, meaning that it refers to not only literally white and black but also those symbols that are indicated by specific colors or those whose base color is any color other than white. For example, in printed matter or on a ...
The meaning reflected in Energies 2017, 10, 1181 8 of 17 space is that the axes are stretched or compressed in geometric space, and then the steady-state security region is shifted. Supposing that the numerical range of each dimension variable is translated into 0–1, and as it is denoted...
Insert the burned disc into your LG BD250 and turn the DVD player off and on. Then you will see a black screen with blue borders appear with text: Region Management Test Mode. Now you can press the new region number(0-6) on your remote to change the DVD region code. You're suggest...
95–60 Ma by K–Ar and Rb–Sr isochron and fission-track (FT) methods, although some of these ages have been thermally reset, disagree with other ages, and are imprecise, with errors of several million years (e.g., Sawada and Itaya, 1993, Matsuura et al., 1995), meaning that the...
Competitive and mainstream Sustainability 2018, 10, 1629 6 of 20 sports are in the middle; they have a meaning in relation with both groups, as they can be done professionally or during one's leisure time [31]. Active and passive sports consumers are usually distinguished based on these ...