University of Saskatchewan Regina, SK Our office provides administrative support to medical students and faculty as part of the University of Saskatchewan. Full Time Equivalent (FTE): 1.0. More... Red Bull Student Marketeer - University of Regina Red Bull Regina, SK Collaborate with sales to ope...
Regina becoming call centre hub.Reports on the selection of Regina, Saskatchewan as the location for the call center of StarTek. Factors considered in selecting a business site; Number of jobs that will be created in the city; Incentive package offered by Regina to the firm....
Head to Heal Wellness Centre is dedicated to helping individuals, and their entire family, achieve better health. Whether you are currently suffering from a medical condition or wish to prevent future illness, naturopathic medicine has something to offer you. Naturopathic medicine is a unique form ...
Leveraging our innovation capabilities which stem from our unique IDM positioning, supported by a strong R&D team and world-class laboratory that leads industry standards, Regina Miracle is duly committed to achieving technological advancements, while developing premium, quality and safe products that crea...
Regina Provincial Correctional Centre es una prisión en Saskatchewan, Praderas. Mapcarta, el mapa abierto.
雷吉纳酒店 (Regina Hotel) 4等级(最高为5等级) Bergara, 2-4, Eixample, 兰布拉, 巴塞罗那, 西班牙, 08002 - 查看地图 入住理想住宿,是美好旅程的必备要素。快来享受住宿提供的房内免费 Wi-Fi吧! 住宿位于兰布拉的上佳位置,让您轻松探索周遭景点。 一定要预留时间探访圣家教堂,以及附近的Playa de La Barcelone...
歌剧院林荫大道丽晶娜酒店 (Hotel Regina Opera Grand Boulevard)每晚低至1667元。查看高清图片和真实住客点评。
Hotel Regina是一家位于罗马尼亚锡纳亚的三星级酒店。酒店设有咖啡厅、酒吧、洗衣服务、餐厅和健身中心,为您提供丰富的休闲体验。酒店还提供快速办理入住/退房、行李寄存、滑雪、日常客房清洁等服务,让您的住宿更加舒适便捷。此外,酒店还提供旅游服务,让您更好地了解当地文化和历史。畅享无尽娱乐:锡纳亚酒店Regina的...
Tourist Information Centre 1.2公里 有用信息 性价比10.0 位置评分8.0 Hotel Regina提供的房型 客房(双人床) (Double Room) 客房面积:23 m² 景观: 山景 1张双人床 输入日期查看房价 更多客房图片和详情 客房(双床) (Twin Room) 景观: 山景 淋浴
1717 Victoria Avenue , 雷吉纳市中心, 雷吉纳(SK), 加拿大, S4P 0P9-打开地图 入住理想住宿,是美好旅程的必备要素。快来享受住宿提供的房内免费 Wi-Fi吧! 住宿位于雷吉纳(SK)雷吉纳市中心的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮选择。 离开前,别忘了探访知名的里贾纳国际机场。 这家高品质住宿为客人提供健身中...