在英语中,"S-3"这个缩写词通常对应于"Marine Corps Battalion or Regiment)",中文直译即为"海军陆战队营或团"。这个术语主要用于军事领域,特别是与美国海军陆战队的组织结构有关。"S-3"作为一个政府或军事缩写词,其在英文中的使用频率和分类主要取决于其在具体上下文中的应用。它可能出现在战术规...
Marine Corps considering three Marine Littoral Regiments by 2030 InsideDefense.com's SitRepQuigley, Aidan
United States Marine Corps Wounded Warrior RegimentCasualtiesFamily membersMarine corpsMarine corps personnelMedical servicesSymposiaMayer, J. LMilitary Health Systems
The Marine Corps is considering having three Marine Littoral Regiments in the Pacific by 2030, Brig. Gen. Ben Watson said Wednesday at the National Defense Industrial Association's Virtual Expeditionary Warfare Conference. Watson, the vice chief of naval research and commanding general of the Marine...
aMARINE CORPS TRAINING AREA BELLOWS, Hawaii - Soldiers from 1-27 Infantry Regiment conduct training at Bellows to increase their tactical skills in a platoon size element. The training offers these soldiers a unique experience that is similar to Afghanistan. See the video to watch these soldiers ...
出版年:2011-8 页数:30 定价:$ 15.98 装帧:平装 ISBN:9781155794358 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我要写书评 Regiments of the United States Marine Corps的书评 ···(全部 0 条) + 加入购书单 谁读这...
Philippine Marine Corps highlights role of recently activated coastal defence regiment Jane's Defence WeeklyGabriel Dominguez, Essen
The experimentation began in early March, before the Corps formally redesignated the regiment. Last fall, the regiment conducted a service-level training event at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California, where it was already “starting to con...
The size of the defence cuts made by the UK's coalition government will leave the country's military forces unable to take part in another intervention on the scale of the 2011 operation in Libya, according to a report by the House of Co... C O'Reilly - 《Janes Intelligence Review》 ...
Youwi l l have noticedthat I have made referencetothis item inthe newsletter,Ihavehadthemmade2/3sizeandinGoldletteringonaBlackbackground, so as notto beconfusedwiththe RegularFlash, sofar I havesoldover100sets and have noticedthattheyare beingwornon Blazersatvariousfuctions. I trainedsohardforMy...