Sometimes, your database may contain special characters. The following statement uses theREGEXP_REPLACE()function to remove special characters from a string: SELECTREGEXP_REPLACE('Th♥is∞ is a dem☻o of REGEXP_♫REPLACE function','[^a-z_A-Z ]')FROMdual;Code language:SQL (Structured...
The replacement text can include regular characters, special characters (such as tabs or new lines), or replacement operators, as shown in the following tables. Replacement Operator Description $& or $0 Portion of the input text that is currently a match $` Portion of the input text that prec...
$filename = StringRegExpReplace($nametemp[0], "[\/:*?"<>|]", " ") ; remove forbidden characters But it doesn't work because \ * ? < > are special RegExp character. What can I do? Thanks uteotw I used: If StringRegExp($Filename, "[^ a-zA-Z0-9_\-]") Then MsgBox(2...
A "proper signature" is delimited by <dash><dash><sp ace> and since your post does not contain that sequence of characters then the only sensible conclusion is that your post has no signature. So, how does one quote something that doesn't exist? If you don't want your "signature" qu...