If you specify a group_num, Snowflake assumes that you want to extract, even if you didn’t specify 'e' (extract) as one of the parameters: SELECT id, string1, REGEXP_SUBSTR(string1, 'the\\W+(\\w+)', 1, 2, '', 1) AS substring, REGEXP_INSTR( string1, 'the\\W+(\\w+...
将捕获的组替换为常量值Snowflake : REGEXP替换为捕获组的大写正则表达式捕获组2捕获与捕获组1不匹配的内容具有捕获组和反向引用的正则表达式如何在Java中匹配?Sieve脚本中的正则表达式捕获组Grep正则表达式捕获的组我的正则表达式仍在捕获未捕获的组正则表达式在java中捕获组捕获组中的回溯找出Python正则表达式中...
Oracle函数regexp_instr到Posgresql的转换 Oracle函数regexp_instr是用于在字符串中查找匹配正则表达式模式的位置。它返回匹配的位置索引。 在PostgreSQL中,可以使用正则表达式函数regexp_matches来实现类似的功能。regexp_matches函数返回一个数组,其中包含与正则表达式模式匹配的所有子字符串。 以下是regexp_instr到PostgreS...
REGEXP_COUNT , REGEXP_INSTR , REGEXP_REPLACE , REGEXP_SUBSTR , REGEXP_SUBSTR_ALL [ NOT ] ILIKE , [ NOT ] LIKESyntax REGEXP_LIKE( <subject> , <pattern> [ , <parameters> ] ) Arguments Required: subject The string to search for matches. pattern Pattern to match. For guidelines on ...
This example shows how to retrieve the second word from the first, second, and third matches of a two-word pattern in which the first word is A. This example also shows that trying to go beyond the last pattern causes Snowflake to return NULL. First, create a table and insert data: ...