在第一规则OneOrMore作用是,使用贪婪匹配会匹配所有字符串直到数字4,留下最后的数字2满足第二规则OneOrMore(.digit),并被捕获为结果。所以输出结果为2。 如果改变第一规则为懒惰匹配: letregex=Regex{OneOrMore(.any,.reluctant)Capture(OneOrMore(.digit))}letline="hello world 99 ---> 42"ifletmatch=lin...
In the following example, the regular expression /d+ is used to split an input string that includes one or more decimal digits into a maximum of three substrings. Because the beginning of the input string matches the regular expression pattern, the first array element contains String.Empty, ...
0dd An octal character code, where dd is one or more octal digits. \xXX 0xXX A hexadecimal character code, where XX is one or more hexadecimal digits. \x{XX} 0xXX A hexadecimal character code, where XX is one or more hexadecimal digits, optionally a Unicode character. \cZ z-@ An A...
In the following example, the regular expression /d+ is used to split an input string that includes one or more decimal digits into a maximum of three substrings. Because the beginning of the input string matches the regular expression pattern, the first array element contains String.Empty, ...
In the following example, the regular expression /d+ is used to split an input string that includes one or more decimal digits into a maximum of three substrings. Because the beginning of the input string matches the regular expression pattern, the first array element contains String.Empty, ...
In the following example, the regular expression /d+ is used to split an input string that includes one or more decimal digits into a maximum of three substrings. Because the beginning of the input string matches the regular expression pattern, the first array element contains String.Empty, ...
because the 6 digits is a group item number, sometimes the item number have more than one set, so that mulitple a value. if the item number only 1 set, that count "1". The problem is the whole set information put in a "cell", so i don't know how to do. ...
x\|y Alternation (x or y , prefer x)RepetitionsExpand table PatternDescription x* Zero or more of x (greedy) x+ One or more of x (greedy) x? Zero or one of x (greedy) x*? Zero or more of x (ungreedy/lazy) x+? One or more of x (ungreedy/lazy) x?? Zero or one of...
What you want to do is use a "Positive Lookbehind" to specify that you are looking for one or more digits after a bracket. (?<=\[)\d+ that says Match one or more consecutive digits That come immediately after an open bracket You can bracket that with a Positive Lookahead, but if...
Username part[\w.-]+: Matches one or more characters that are either word characters (letters, digits, underscores), dots, or hyphens. @character: Matches the literal "@" symbol separating the username and domain parts. Domain name part[\w.-]+: Matches one or more characters that are ei...