"example@example.com" # 正确的正则表达式模式 pattern = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$' # 使用 re.match 检查字符串是否匹配模式 match = re.match(pattern, email) # 如果匹配成功,match 对象不为 None if match: print("匹配成功") else: print("匹...
If True = AA_match_case Then AA_regex.ignorecase = False Else AA_regex.ignorecase = True End If Set AA_matches = AA_regex.Execute(AA_text) If 0 < AA_matches.Count Then If (0 = AA_instance_num) Then AA_text_result = AA_regex.Replace(AA_text, AA_text_replace) Else If AA_...
); else Console.WriteLine("Original string: " + uncPath); } Console.WriteLine(); } } } // The example displays the following output if run on a machine whose name is // MyMachine: // Input string: \\MyMachine.domain1.mycompany.com\C$\ThingsToTo.txt // Returned string: C:\...
); else Console.WriteLine("Original string: " + uncPath); } Console.WriteLine(); } } } // The example displays the following output if run on a machine whose name is // MyMachine: // Input string: \\MyMachine.domain1.mycompany.com\C$\ThingsToTo.txt // Returned string: C:\...
If you're running an ad blocker, consider whitelisting regex101 to support the website.Read more. Explanation An explanation of your regex will be automatically generated as you type. Match Information Detailed match information will be displayed here automatically. ...
"category": {$cond: {if: {$regexMatch: {input:"$comment",regex:/[a-z0-9_.+-]+@mongodb.com/i} }, then:"Employee", else:"External"} } } }, 该操作将返回以下文档: {"_id":1,"comment":"Hi, I'm just reading about MongoDB -- aunt.arc.tica@example.com","category":"Externa...
If you want to determine whether one or more strings match a regular expression pattern and then retrieve them for subsequent manipulation, call the Match or Matches method. The static IsMatch(String, String, RegexOptions, TimeSpan) method is equivalent to constructing a Regex object with the ...
If you're a MacPorts user, then you can install ripgrep from the official ports: $ sudo port install ripgrep If you're a Windows Chocolatey user, then you can install ripgrep from the official repo: $ choco install ripgrep If you're a Windows Scoop user, then you can install ripgrep...
def splitWithSpace(string): list_strings = list(string) split_list = [] new_word = "" for characters in list_strings: if character == " ": split_list.extend([new_word, " "]) if new_word else split_list.append(" ") new_word = "" else: new_word += character split_list....
to match any character. For example, the RegEx /o.e/, illustrated inFigure 2, match "one," "ore," and "ote." This RegEx tells the engine to match an "o" character and next match any character then matches an "e" character. We use the following Python script to search if any non...