Microsoft Silverlight will reach end of support after October 2021.Learn more. Updated: October 2010 Searches the specified input string for all occurrences of a regular expression. Namespace:System.Text.RegularExpressions Assembly:System (in System.dll) ...
public Regex (string pattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions options, TimeSpan matchTimeout);參數pattern String 要比對的正則表達式模式。options RegexOptions 修改正則表達式之列舉值的位元組合。matchTimeout TimeSpan 超時時間間隔,或 InfiniteMatchTimeout,表示方法不應該逾時。例外...
usingSystem;usingSystem.Text.RegularExpressions;publicclassExample{publicstaticvoidMain(){stringpattern =@"\b[at]\w+";stringtext ="The threaded application ate up the thread pool as it executed."; MatchCollection matches; Regex defaultRegex =newRegex(pattern);// Get matches of pattern in textmatc...
usingSystem;usingSystem.Text.RegularExpressions;publicclassExample{publicstaticvoidMain(){stringpattern =@"\b[at]\w+";stringtext ="The threaded application ate up the thread pool as it executed."; MatchCollection matches; Regex defaultRegex =newRegex(pattern);// Get matches of pattern in textmatc...
using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; public class Example { public static void Main() { string pattern = "[a-z]+"; string input = "Abc1234Def5678Ghi9012Jklm"; string[] result = Regex.Split(input, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)); for (int ctr...
Want to support RegExr?Consider disabling your ad-blocker for this domain. We'll show a non-intrusive, dev-oriented ad in this area. Expression JavaScript Flags x /([A-Z])\w+/g Text Tests 27 matches(1.1ms) xxxxxxxxxx ...
Hi! If not using VBA, you can try to solve the problem of how to extract text between two words using a few formulas. First, extract text after the first word using these instructions:Get a substring after a certain character. Then, from the resulting text string, extract text before the...
Public Function RegexReplace(AA_text As String, pattern As String, AA_text_replace As String, Optional AA_instance_num As Integer = 0, Optional AA_match_case As Boolean = True) As String Dim AA_text_result, AA_text_find As String Dim AA_matches_index, AA_pos_start As Integer On Erro...
usingSystem;usingSystem.Text.RegularExpressions;publicclassExample{publicstaticvoidMain(){stringpattern =@"\b[at]\w+";stringtext ="The threaded application ate up the thread pool as it executed."; MatchCollection matches; Regex defaultRegex =newRegex(pattern);// Get matches of pattern in textmatc...
a{3,} Between 3 and 6 of a a{3,6} Start of string ^ End of string $ A word boundary \b Non-word boundary \B Regular Expression No Match / insert your regular expression here / gm Test String insert your test string here 1:1...