In the comments to the original post, Maurits said that you should use two regexes. I think that it may be the best solution (clearest and easiest), though it may be less performant. But I'm going to talk about the single-regex solution. The only tricky thing about this is that...
Find any string that has the following two words in it: “dog” and “vet”(yes, I know, I didn't get last week's discussion out there. It will be there shortly...)Comments Hasani December 12, 2005 (?m)(?<string>^.*?((bdogb.*?bvetb)|(bvetb.*?bdogb)).*?$) Anonymous ...
pattern = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}\b' # 正则表达式模式用于匹配电子邮件地址 matches = re.findall(pattern, text) # 使用findall()函数提取所有匹配项 for match in matches: print(match) # 打印所有匹配项 在上述示例中,我们使用了一个正则表达式模式来...
re.findall(pattern, string, flags=0) 对string 返回一个不重复的 pattern 的匹配列表, string 从左到右进行扫描,匹配按找到的顺序返回。如果样式里存在一到多个组,就返回一个组合列表;就是一个元组的列表(如果样式里有超过一个组合的话)。空匹配也会包含在结果里。 在3.7 版更改: 非空匹配现在可以在前一...
result=re.match(pattern,string) 如果需要多次使用这个正则表达式的话,使用re.compile()和保存这个正则对象以便复用,可以让程序更加高效。 注解 通过re.compile()编译后的样式,和模块级的函数会被缓存, 所以少数的正则表达式使用无需考虑编译的问题。 re.A ..., string, flags)扫描整个字符串,直到找到第一个匹配的对象(查找) re.findall(pos[string开始位置:string结束位置])扫描整个字符串,找到所有匹配的对象并返回List(查找所有) re.split(pattern, string, maxsplit, flags) 匹配的子串来分割字符串,返回List,maxsplit设置分隔次数(分隔) ...
Replace(String, String, String, RegexOptions) In a specified input string, replaces all strings that match a specified regular expression with a specified replacement string. Specified options modify the matching operation. Replace(String, String, String, RegexOptions, TimeSpan) In a specified inpu...
esMatch the literal string "es". \bEnd the match at a word boundary. Remarks TheMatches(String, String, RegexOptions, TimeSpan)method is similar to theMatch(String, String, RegexOptions, TimeSpan)method, except that it returns information about all the matches found in the input string, inste...
REGEX is a powerful and flexible way to search for and match patterns in text strings. You can use REGEX to perform various tasks, such as: Extracting specific information from a text string, such as names, dates, numbers, etc. Replacing parts of a text string with another text string, ...