To strip off everythingafter a whitespace(including a space, tab, carriage return and new line), the regex is: Pattern: \s.* =RegExpReplace(A5, "\s.*", "") Because \s matches a few different whitespace types includinga new line(\n), this formula deletes everything after the first...
you said you wanted to delete text "after" a string, but it seems that you are actually deleting a word "starting from" a string. Same concern with "before a string" really doing "up to and including" a string. Yes, it was a "typo". I wanted to say "after" as in "start with...
Regex to extract text from string Extracting text from an alphanumeric string is quite a challenging task in Excel. With regex, it becomes as easy as pie. Just use a negated class to match everything that is not a digit. Pattern: [^\d]+ To get substrings in individual cells (spill ...
Delete everything within a specific directory Delete files older than 24 hours Delete files older than and create a log of which files were deleted Delete files on remote server Delete files/folders on remote servers using powershell Delete folder based on date of creation of folder Delete Fo...
' quote so that the syntax highlighter will stop coloring everything as a string.' Public Enum Actions ACT_DELIVER = 0 ACT_DELETE = 1 ACT_QUARANTINE = 2 End Enum Sub MyNiftyFilter(Item As Outlook.MailItem) Dim Matches, Match Dim RegEx As New RegExp ...
class="delete\-hdp\-fav\-note fm\-remove\-note zsg\-button_primary hide">Delete this note -->
Match everything enclosed (?:...) Capture everything enclosed (...) Zero or one of a a? Zero or more of a a* One or more of a a+ Exactly 3 of a a{3} 3 or more of a a{3,} Between 3 and 6 of a a{3,6} Start of string ^ End of string $ A word boundary \b Non...
boost::regex reg("(new)|(delete)"); boost::smatch m; std::string s= "Calls to new must be followed by delete. \ Calling simply new results in a leak!"; if (boost::regex_search(s,m,reg)) { // Did new match? if (m[1].matched) ...
The version history you’re looking at now shows everything that has changed. New features: Aspects: \h and \v are shorthands for horizontal and vertical whitespace; \H and \V are the negated versions. Aspects: \K to “keep” the match so far from the overall match result. Aspects: ...
29 } 30 if !parseUUIDRegex.MatchString(u.String()) { 31 t.Errorf("Expected string representation to be valid, given: %s", u.String()) 49 } 50 if !parseUUIDRegex.MatchString(u.String()) { 51 t.Errorf("Expected string representation to be valid, given: %s", u.String()) 69 if...