Regular Expression JavascriptPCRE flags 2 matches /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/gm Test String xxxxxxxxxx 123-456-7890 333-333-4444 1234567890 123456789 123-4567-890 14157059247 Substitution
d{10}is mandatory match of 10 digits without any space $end of expression You can make regex more flexible tomatch between 8 to 11 digits phone number with no space, using this regex: String noSpaceRegex="^\\d{8,11}$"; Regex to match 10 digit Phone Number with WhiteSpaces, Hyphens ...
常见的Regex表达式(更新RFC标准的email检验) 数字(Number) 除正常的数字(digit)之外,还有可能包括正、负号,科学计数法,小数位,甚至用逗号分隔千分位。 逻辑规则: 起始位后一定是+/-号,也可以没有 ^[+-]? 至少有一位以上的数字 \d+ 可能会跟着千分位分隔的逗号,暂时不考虑是否一定是3位分隔,规则可以出现一次...
[]内的元字符都表示元字符本身所表示的符号,也就是说[]会使元字符失效;[?$^*+] 然而在[]外使用这些元字符本身所表示的字符,则必须加转义字符;\?\*\+\^ \s=space=空白符;\w=word=单词符(字母+数字+下划线) \d=decimal digit=十进制数字=0123456789 \s=[\f\n\r\t\v]=[换页、换行、回车、水平...
The length the string (phone number) must be to match the regular expression. For example, if you want a normalization rule to affect only 10-digit numbers, specify a value of 10 for this parameter. You must enter a value for this parameter or for the AtLeastLength parameter. You cannot...
数字(Number) 除正常的数字(digit)之外,还有可能包括正、负号,科学计数法,小数位,甚至用逗号分隔千分位。 逻辑规则: 起始位后一定是+/-号,也可以没有 ^[+-]? 至少有一位以上的数字 \d+ 可能会跟着千分位分隔的逗号,暂时不考虑是否一定是3位分隔,规则可以出现一次或多次 (,\d+)* ...
[:alpha:] [:alpha:] 匹配任意一个字母字符 [[:alpha:]]匹配所有带任意一个字母的行 [:blank:] [:blank:] [:blank:] 匹配空格或制表符(\t、\...v) [[:blank:]]匹配所有带空格或制表符的行 [:digit:] [:digit:] [:digit:] 匹配任意一个数字字符 [[:digit:]]匹配所有带任意一个...
The VIN number on a vehicle is a 17 alpha-numeric characters and must NOT contain the letters I, O or Q (to avoid confusion with the similar looking digits). ↵ So, for example, SALVA2AE4EH877322 is valid, but SALVO2AE4EH877322 is not.↵ By using the \b word boundary token,...
from std import regex.* main() { let r = Regex("\\d").matcher("a1b1c2d3f4") println(r.replace("X")) //replace a digit once with X println(r.replace("X", 2)) //replace once from index 4 println(r.replaceAll("X")) //replace all digit with X println(r.replaceAll("X", ...
\w{5} matches any five-letter word or a five-digit number. a{5} will match “aaaaa”. \d{11} matches an 11-digit number such as a phone number. [a-z]{3,} will match any word with three or more letters such as “cat”, “room” or “table. Or, for example, the expression...