使用以下批处理文件(添加到filename.bat): REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Regedit /v LastKey /t REG_SZ /d Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config /f START regedit 替换: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVers...
Windows 命令行参数 Line 原创 wx653f01a7d41af 2023-10-30 09:10:08 190阅读 1 windows ruby执行 cmd cmd执行regedit 一、打开注册表编辑器1.1 在运行窗口中打开首先用【win+r】打开运行窗口,然后执行【regedit】打开注册表编辑器。1.2 在cmd窗口中打开在cmd窗口中执行命令【regedit】也可打开。二、注册表编辑...
A Toolbox allowing users to modify various aspects of Windows 10 from one place. windowstoolkitpowershelltelemetrytweakswindows-10toolboxbatchcortanawindows10batch-scriptcommand-promptregistry-scriptspowershell-cmdletscommand-line-interfaceregeditregistry-tweaksservices-toolboxregeditsdisable-services ...
For “Start in,” put the folder path where the app is. UseC:\Windows\System32for Command Prompt or PowerShell, andC:\Windowsfor Registry Editor. Choose “SYSTEM User” in the “Run as” field. (Optional) Add command-line arguments for the app in the “Arguments” field if you need ...
CMD Lineis atext-based interfacethat transfers the command from the user to the OS.CMD Line 是基于文本的界面,可将命令从用户传输到操作系统。 CLI-Command Line InterpreterCLI-命令行解释器 Thecommand-line interpreter(CLI) for windows isCMD.EXE. Also, you can usePowerShell, which can automate many...
CMD Lineis atext-based interfacethat transfers the command from the user to the OS.CMD Line 是基于文本的界面,可将命令从用户传输到操作系统。 CLI-Command Line InterpreterCLI-命令行解释器 Thecommand-line interpreter(CLI) for windows isCMD.EXE. Also, you can usePowerShell, which can automate many...
If you get Error deleting Values, Unable to delete all specified values message while trying to delete a key in Registry Editor in Windows 11/10, here are the fixes you can use.
Use the /E command-line option to export a subkey. Omit subkey, and Regedit exports the entire Registry. Regedit creates version 5 REG files, which are only compatible with Windows 2000. Note that subkey must be a fully qualified name, and it must begin with the root key's full name...
dos下如何使用regedit_d删除指定的主键或键值(Howtouse regedit_dtodeletethespecifiedprimarykeyorkeyvalue underDOS) Howtousethe"regedit/D"todeletethespecifiedprimarykey orkeyvalueunderDOS Ihopethefollowingwillhelpyoutoclearyourmind: RegistryeditornotonlycanrununderWindows,butalsocan runinMS-DOScommandline...
https://www.back2gaming.com/guides/how-to-tweak-windows-10-for-gaming/< decent guide to eliminate misc input lag from gpu,cpu,ram,usb etc\https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/windows-line-based-vs-message-signaled-based-interrupts-msi-tool.378044/https://pastebin.com/raw/1twn8geBhttps://ww...