It is one of the last few single screen theatres in Mumbai that still screens top-tier movies and it is my first preference when it is running a movie that I want to watch.Step inside and you'll understand the difference between a 'theatre' and a 'multiplex screen'.The number of...
我在纽约常去的电影院是AMC, 这是第一次去Regal 电影院。Regal 翻译成中文是豪华的意思,但实际上这个电影院看上去并不是那么豪华,不过整体上环境还不错,而且购买大桶的爆米花和饮料可以免费续杯哦~ 网址🖥:地址👣:3907 Shore Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11235,电影院有停车场...
Regal offers the best cinematic experience in digital 2D, 3D, IMAX, 4DX. Check out movie showtimes, find a location near you and buy movie tickets online.
Explore Regal's movie offers & specials today! Take advantage of limited offers in theatres or online by using your FREE Crown Club card.
Battle of the theatres.(Regal Theatre)(Brief Article)Lampathakis, Paul
A Regal movie theatre near you may have movie tickets for as cheap as $5 in Atlanta — but you have to get their early.
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History of Regal Theatres Regal cinemas as it’s known today started only in 1989. No longer does Regal stand on its own, but rather it’s joined together with two other chains – Edwards Theaters and United Artists Theaters. Allthree cinema brands are owned and operated by a single parent...
在AMC于周四宣布这一消息之前,其他两个最大的连锁影院Cinemark Theatres和Regal Cinemas也发布了重新开放的消息。 Regal Cinemas宣布,其大部分影院将于7月10日重新开放,全美541家影院将于7月24日全部开放。 Regal Cinemas详细介绍了重开后将采取的一系列安全措施,包括在顾客之间保留两个空座位(如果是躺椅,则保留一个...
金色财经报道,据Bitcoin Magazine消息,美国最大电影院连锁品牌Regal Cinemas接受比特币支付购买电影票。Regal娱乐集团是美国最大的电影院运营机构,拥有美国第一大院线的559家影院、7262张银幕,集团主要三个影院品牌:Regal Cinemas、Edwards Theatres和United ArtistsTheatres。