Command Without Control: Are Market Mechanisms Capable of Delivering Ecological Integrity to REDD? Market mechanisms have been increasingly touted over the last 40 years as the most ecologically effective and economically efficient way to solve environmental problems. The problem of deforestation ha...
Pediatricians should also document that parents have received a vaccine information sheet at each relevant visit and ensure that parents sign appropriate and unaltered "informed refusal" forms, preferably the AAP's Refusal to Vaccinate form, each time vaccination is refused, said Dr. Protect from vac...
As the educational level of both parents increased, nonvaccination due to a lack of confidence in vaccine content was more common. There was no relationship found between the presence of vaccine hesitancy and socio-demographic characteristics. Parents who do not vaccinate...
Despite these nuances, public discourses tend to label all vaccine-refusing people as “anti-vaccination” [1]. While people who refuse vaccines believe that whether to vaccinate should be uncoerced individual choices [9], vaccine refusal is broadly considered a community health concern [5], [10...
This paper argues that childhood vaccination should be considered a necessary of life as defined in Section 215 (1) of the Canadian Criminal Code, and parents who do not vaccinate their children should be considered responsible for death by criminal negligence if their child dies from a preventabl...
If you can get that letter from American citizen services along w/ a letter from an Indian hospital that they cannot vaccinate unless they know the past medical history, then it will help your case for B-1/2 visa. In addition you can cite the reason for wrapping things up in US etc....
The study did not collect data from any southern states or from homeschooled children, where religion may play more of a role in parents deciding not to vaccinate. Nonresponse bias may have resulted in more conservative odds ratios associated with distrustful parents’ beliefs and behaviors, ...
Understanding trends in vaccine refusal is critical to monitor as small declines in vaccination coverage can lead to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. Using electronic heath record (EHR) data from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s 31 outpatient primary care sites, we created a coho...
We show how differences emerge between the two cities based on study designs, such that we are able to see some parents at the center of groups valorizing their decisions, whilst others feel marginalized within their communities for their decisions to vaccinate. We draw on the work of ...