The pre-application form must be submitted before the real application for a GST refund. Please note that once this form is submitted, it cannot be modified and does not need to be signed. Therefore, the user must exercise caution when inputting the details. Filling out the pre-application ...
The designated representative must complete it within 60 days of the application date. GST RFD 06: The refund is subtracted from the taxable amount using Form GST RFD 06, available online. GST RFD 07: This form serves as a notice of a refund application being denied. GST RFD 08: The Tax...
under the TouristRefundScheme (TRS), you are entitledtoarefundofany GST paid. 如果在离开澳大利亚前 30 天以内,您从任何一家供应商购买了总价格不低于 300 澳元的新商品或二手商品,根据游客退款计划(TRS),您有权享受商品及服务税退款。
under the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS), you are entitled to a refund of any GST paid. 如果在离开澳大利亚前 30 天以内,您从任何一家供应商购买了总价格不低于 300 澳元的新商品或二手商品,根据游 客退款 计划 (TRS),您有权享受商品及服 务 税退款。