The meaning of REFUGEE is one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution. How to use refugee in a sentence.
Definition Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their homelands due to persecution, war, or natural disasters and seek asylum in other countries. Other migrants are those who go from one country to another seeking economic opportunities where they are thought to abound. When such a...
There may be different normative and legal reasons behind the sharp distinction between child and adult refugees at the four sites. One dimension of difference is agency versus victimization . The definition and rights of children, codified in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (United ...
Yesterday, as today, the political as conceived by Schmitt owes its volcanic charge to the fact that it is closely connected to an existential will to power. As such, it necessarily and by definition opens up the extreme possibility of an infinite deployment of pure means without ends, as em...
objektivierende Kategorie ab. Wie der Aktivist Rex Osa in unseremGespräch ausführt, wird Refugee zu einem kämpferischen Begriff, wenn er als(Selbst-)Bezeichnung über die rechtlichen Definitionen des Flüchtlingsstatushinausgeht und Asylbewerber*in gegenübergestellt wird:»I don’t use...
After all, if the history of the liberal nation-state suggests that it is a thoroughly racial formation, then any articulation of citizenship in relation to the nation-state will be by definition fraught and limited.4 This does not mean that Black activists have abandoned the struggle for the...
The ICD-11 proposes a revised definition of PTSD which focuses on the core symptomology of (1) re-experiencing of the trauma in the here and now (Re), (2) avoidance of traumatic reminders (Av), and (3) sense of current threat (Th) (WHO, 2019), and has been shown to produce ...
Volunteers' stories can also be approached as "oral history in the present tense", referring to Alessandro Portelli's frequently cited definition: "[O]ral sources tell us not just what people did, but what they wanted to do, what they believed they were doing, and what they now think ...
Aging Refugees Synonyms Climate-induced migrants, Aging out of place;Forced migrants;Forcibly displaced people,Generational migration;Older refugees,Refugee grandparents Definition Refugee and Aging Refugees Refugee is a term the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) uses to designate persons...
In their decisions regarding the definition of population sub-groups, however, researchers face a dilemma. On the one hand, they need to differentiate between groups for thorough analysis of access barriers in order to identify and challenge health inequalities. On the other hand, they recognise ...