The trauma stories of refugees are told in many different ways. Because of the complexity and difficulty of the experiences, the stories often are related as unstructured, and sometimes confusing, narratives. Some memories have been forgotten. Some are pronounced, intrusive, and painful. The story...
In a statement marking the World Refugee Day, which falls on June 20, the SAHRC said refugees and asylum seekers face a peculiar disadvantage in accessing healthcare given their status as non-nationals. "This is compounded by xenophobia and discrimination. Refugees and asylum seekers are often de...
acomprehensivedescriptionoftheact.So whereasectionorpartofasectiondoesnotseemtorequireany NOTPROTECTIVELYMARKED AsylumseekersandrefugeesPage1of5 NOTPROTECTIVELYMARKED explanationorcomment,noneisgiven. Section24 Immigration Act1971 Thefollowingactsandsectionsapply: ImmigrationAct1971Section24createsoffencesinrelation...
Uganda hosts more refugees than any other African nation. It’s estimated that they currently hostover 1.7 million refugees and asylum seekers, mainly from theDemocratic Republic of the CongoandSouth Sudan. As a country with41% of its population living in poverty, the refugee crisis has stretched...
Thoughout the world the number of refugees and asylum seekers continues to increase at an astonishing rate. Given that most will have left their country due to persecution, war, or appalling violations of their human rights, many will have specific mental health needs. Cultural and socioeconomic...
This chapter will offer some insight to the range of issues faced by pregnant women as they seek asylum and refuge in the UK. Migration poses several challenges related to the care and treatment of pregnant women and their access to services. The rise in
Uganda: Refugees and asylum‐seekers 01 September 2014 SOUTH SUDAN Yumbe Koboko Moyo Lamwo Koboko Field Office Nyumanzi TC 130 4,460 Pakelle Adjumani settlements Kitgum Ocea RC33 90,531 Adjumani Field Unit Arua Rhino Camp Amuru Pader Arua 17,991 Gulu Agago Kaa...
inhuman or degrading treatment that is prohibited under international law. According to a report on the website of The Guardian on 11 October 2021, between 2016 and 2021, U.S. border agents engaged in more than 160 cases of...
WINDHOEK, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Namibia's borders are open for asylum seekers, a government official said Monday, as Namibia joined the World in commemorating World Refugee Day. The day in Namibia was commemorated under the theme, "Whoever, Wherever, Whenever, everyone has the right to seek ...
Interviews, site visits, and observations were used in the study described in this chapter to describe the realization of the capability “to be informed” by the asylum seeker and refugee community in Israel. We identified how asylum seekers and refugee