In Turkey, over the past decade, the influx of refugees has significantly influenced migration policy and consequently, health policy for refugees, shaping the perspectives of healthcare workers towards refugees. To gauge healthcare workers' perceptions regarding refugees' access to healthcare and their...
Each of these barriers require time that is not accounted for during medical appointments. It is not unusual for refugee and immigrant populations to experience one if not all of these barriers when navigating the healthcare system. Access for newcomers to additional community resources and partnering...
Refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa face a number of challenges. Access to healthcare is arguably one of the most pressing of these challenges, the SAHRC said, adding that "this is a matter of serious concern." South Africa is host to a significant refugee population from many parts...
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy has shared that efforts to rebuild Ukraine will require ‘colossal investments’, and as leaders gather to work out ‘Marshall plan’ to rebuild the country, local architects have already begun developing emergency housing, healthcare, and educational facilities ...
Health care for Canada's medically uninsured immigrants and refugees: Whose problem is it? In 1999, community health workers informed us that large numbers of immigrants and refugees lived and often worked in our Scarborough, Ont, community while being denied access to publicly funded health care....
Given the recent global events leading to the migration of millions of people to various countries, this study seeks to identify the weaknesses and challenges in refugees' access to healthcare services and propose solutions to reduce the financial burden on the health system and enhance the ...
Applying the health belief model to examine college students' early stage adoption of non-pharmaceutical interventions in response to COVID-19 Objective Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges worked to minimize transmission through non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). The objective of this stu......
However, little is known on the importance of these local access models on refugees’ realized access to healthcare in Germany. It has been shown in qualitative studies that the HcVs may be perceived as a barrier to outpatient care by refugees [13]. Similarly, in a survey among internal ...
Since the tightening of Australian policy for protection visa applicants began in the 1990s, access to health care has been increasingly restricted to asylum seekers on a range of different visa types. This paper summarises those legislative changes and discusses their implications for health policy ...
A small percentage of Syrian refugees live in refugee camps. The majority are living in poverty in rural and urban areas, lacking access to healthcare, education, and jobs. Check out these opportunities to volunteer with Syrian refugees living in the community in Germany and Turkey. ...