This is different from an asylum-seeker: 'in the UK an asylum-seeker is someone who has asked the Government for refugee status and is waiting to hear the outcome of their application' (United Nations High Commission for Refugees, 2014). An immigrant is someone who leaves her/his country ...
Places of Exclusion and Inclusion: Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Experiences of Neighbourhoods in the UK[J] . Neil Spicer.Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies . 2008 (3)Spicer, N. (2008). Places of exclusion and inclusion: Asylum-Seeker and refugee experiences of neighbourhoods in the UK. ...
Refugee chefs, asylum seeker chefs, refugee catering, refugee events, refugee businesses, asylum-seeker businesses, social enterprise, social impact, refugees
Gosden, Diane. 2006a. "'What If No One Had Spoken Out Against This Policy?' The Rise of the Asylum Seeker and Refugee Advocacy in Australia." PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies 3(1):1-21.Gosden, D., `What if no one had spoken out against this policy? The rise...
Smith, C. (2011). The Learning Experiences Of Refugee And Asylum-Seeker Children: A Model For Meaningful Learning. Not Just a Victim: The Child as Catalyst and Witness of Contemporary Africa, 20, 197.Smith, Cilel (2011): The learning experiences of refugee and asylum-...
asylumseekerAustraliafriendshiprefugeevolunteerCare‐based interventions insituations of injustice are often characterised as separate from political activism. Critics argue that care‐based activities fail to address the causes of suffering, allowing structural issues to go unchallenged. Through an empirical ...
Australia's treatment of refugee and asylum seeker children: the views of Australian paediatricians. Med J Aust 2014;201(7):393-398.Corbett E, Gunasekera H, Maycock A, Isaacs I. Australia's treatment of refugee and asylum seeker children: the views of Australian paediatricians . Med J Aust...
The Education of asylum-seeker & refugee children: a study of lea and school values, policies and practices. Cambridge: University of Cambridge; 2005.Arnot, M. and Pinson, H. (2005) The Education of Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Children: A study of LEA and school values, polici...